(1)Install SDK tools for AMD (2)下载安装外接模拟器Genymotion (3)下载genymotion插件 (4)配置Android Studio (1)Install SDK tools for AMD先安装这个AMD的模拟器,在进行后面的步骤 (2)下载安装外接模拟器Genymotion官网下载Genymotion,进行安装,注册(ps 只有注册才可以使用) 安装成功后打开genymotion进入这个界面...
Android Studio 错误提示: ERROR: Installed Build Tools revision 34.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager. 解决办法: 在C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\34.0.0 目录中找到 d8.bat,将文件名修改为dx.bat 在C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\A...
So I moved the SDK toC:\Users\[admin_name]\.android(or any folder) where it's easy for thesdkmangerto create folders and files and it finally worked !! Hope this helps someone. Thank-you to all those who have helped me. editedMar 8, 2018 at 16:37 ...
Install Latest Version of Android SDK Platform Packages and Tools Follow these steps to download and install the latest version of Android SDK platform packages and tools on your host computer: After installing Android Studio, follow any one of these steps to open SDK ...
Android Studio 1.5是当前最新Android手机应用开发平台,下载bundle版安装后,启动Studio后出现“SDK Manager: failed to install”问题。详细信息如下: Android SDK was installed to C:\Users\jack\AppData\Local\Android\sdkInstalling Archives: Preparing to install archives Installing SDK Platform Android 6.0, API ...
打开cmd.exe(命令提示符) 进入SDK的安装目录下和tools下的bin目录:/tools/bin 输入sdkmanager --licenses回车,在接下来出现的lisenses中都输入y接受这些licenses,在回到AndroidStudio中重新编译项目即可。 基本操作如下图: image.png
安装Android Studio之后无法直接打开SDK Manager 2019-12-24 11:24 − 之前安装的android studio之后,SDK Manager和AVD Manager两个运行程序双击都打不开页面了,之前都是正常的,所以java环境变量的问题是不存在的。 SDK Manager本质上是执行tools目录下面的android命令,执行 tools/android&nb... lilei9110 0 113...
Android Studio: Failed to install the following Android SDK的解决方法 遇到这样的报错, 忘了截图了...就用命令行, CMD和Powershell都可以, 到SDK下的tools文件夹下的bin文件夹, 然后输入命令: .\sdkmanager --licenses 回车 然后就是一直输入y并且回车来同意协议 然后再去Android Studio重复操作就解决了...
Hi, Using v2.3.7 of this step, with a project with the following project configuration: build-tools : 29.0.2 compile sdk: 29 target sdk: 29 The step fail everytime with the following message: +---...
Install NDK in Eclipse/Android Studio 1、 Download NDK https://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html 2、Install NDK $tarxvf android-ndk-r8e-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 -C ~/Software/Android/ $ cd Android $ mv android-ndk-r8e/ ndk/...