In this guide, we will be installing Ruby on Rails on Windows 10.We're going to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to accomplish this. This allows you to install a Linux distribution natively on Windows without a virtual machine....
-1. build ruby in ubuntu 0. environment Windows 7 sp1 64bit 1. install ruby latest version for windows, 2.0.0-p481 x64 support that installer folder: c:\ruby add...
We will be setting up a Ruby on Rails development environment on macOS 10.14 Mojave. Older versions of OS X are mostly compatible so follow along as far as you can and then Google search for any problems you run into. There are plenty of people who have documented solutions for them.Inst...
无所谓下载(DownLoad)地址,随便下个都行。安装任意版本后更新到指定版本就可以用了。 更新命令(windows):gem install -v=3.0.9 rails 之后选取指定的版本:r..
这两天在我的mac机上安装Ruby On Rails,感觉很爽,似乎在使用一个Windows和Linux的结合体,要界面有界面,要命令行有命令行。 不过安装Ruby On Rails的过程中遇到一个问题,花了点时间。找到问题根源后发现自己挺可笑的,所以记录在这里,希望大家不要象我这么傻。
In this tutorial, you will use rbenv to install and set up Ruby on Rails on your local macOS machine. Step 1 — Installing rbenv In this step, you will install rbenv and make sure that it starts automatically at boot. To do this on macOS, this tutorial will use the package managerHo...
问题的现象是我安装Ruby On Rails的时候系统没有响应。在安装完Ruby 2.0.0后运行“gem install rails”命令开始安装Rails,系统死活没有响应,于是Ctr+C 中断安装程序。刚开始以为是权限的问题,加上了sudo,发现问题依旧,再次Ctr+C中断安装程序。折腾好几回都一样,后来去网上查一查,发现原来是“...
这两天在我的mac机上安装Ruby On Rails,感觉很爽,似乎在使用一个Windows和Linux的结合体,要界面有界面,要命令行有命令行。 不过安装Ruby On Rails的过程中遇到一个问题,花了点时间。找到问题根源后发现自己挺可笑的,所以记录在这里,希望大家不要象我这么傻。
Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular application stacks for developers looking to create sites and web apps. You can easily install Ruby and Rails with t…