New RTL-SDR Blog V4 USERS: Please remember that you need to install our custom drivers in order to make the V4 work. The quickstart guides below show how to install them on common software. For other software we have generic instructions here We suggest the following read...
Fully automated ISS SSTV, NOAA and Meteor satellite image downloader using Raspberry PI - raspberry-noaa/ at ui-tweaks · dom-robinson/raspberry-noaa
The script helps users get ready to use the SDR-Enthusiasts' (@mikenye/@fredclausen/@k1xt) Docker containers. The script is written to be used on a Debian (Ubuntu, DietPi, or Raspberry Pi OS) system that is "barebones", i.e., where Docker has not yet been install...
pi@raspberrypi:/home/boatdata $ cd pi_config pi@raspberrypi:/home/boatdata/pi_config $ bash ./ Hit:1 InRelease Hit:2 InRelease Reading package lists... Done Reading package lists... Done Bui...