MSVidStreamBufferSource (Windows) How to Create Data Handlers (Windows) How to Register Executable Control Panel Items (Windows) WSPSendDisconnect function (Windows) IMTxAS::SafeRef method (COM+) D3D10_SRV_DIMENSION1 enumeration (Windows) IDCompositionShadowEffect::SetGreen methods (Windows) IsLongS...
Step 1: Install the WSL feature on Windows 10. The WSL (Windows subsystem Linux) is already there on Windows 10 and we just need to activate it. For that, the user has to go toControl Panel->Programs->Turn Windows feature On or off.For a more deep tutorial on WSL installation see:A...
If you don’t have a WSL machine already installed on your machine, an additional option will be available in your Target Machine dropdown to “Create Linux Environment.” What happens next? Once you click one of these options, an installation dialog will pop up....
pacaur -S cpio lbzip2 links lsof lzop mlocate net-tools openssh p7zip rsync sift the_silver_searcher time unace unrar unzip wireless_tools xz zip pacaur -S bind-tools pacaur -S python2 python2-setuptools sudo easy_install-2.7 pip pacaur -S python python-setuptools sudo easy_install pip...
At a shell prompt on your Linux computer, run: Bash sudo apt-get install openssh-server g++ gdb make ninja-build rsync zip You might be prompted for your root password to run thesudocommand. If so, enter it and continue. Once complete, the required services and tools are installed. ...
the rsync-based binary distribution for Linux Note, however, that these are updated independently and may not yet provide the latest GAP release. Further details are available on the GAP website here: 1 Installation Overview The GAP source ...
sudo apt update; sudo apt install -y snapd genisoimage libwin-hivex-perl wimtools rsync; sudo snap install distrobuilder --classic # Then build the image sudo distrobuilder repack-windows WindowsIsoImage.iso win11.lxd.iso --windows-version w11 ...
Once a week on Saturday morning, I boot up the spare system and run a rsync job to synchronize the files between the two systems, then leave it running until Sunday morning. This allows the automatic scrub task to run. It runs every 5 weeks and usually takes 3.5 hours to run. Then sh...
In this article, we will demonstrate how to install and configure anOpenLDAPserver and manage it usingphpLDAPadminonUbuntuandDebian-based distributions. Step 1: Set the Hostname Setting the hostname for yourLDAPserver is essential for identification, ease of access, security, and overall management....
Urbackupemploys deduplication to store backups on eitherWindowsorLinuxservers. Backups are created quietly without interrupting other running processes in the system. Once backed up, files can be restored through a web interface while drive volumes can be restored with a bootable USB-Stick. ...