四、原因 麒麟系统将yum的调用默认设置成了python3,且yum命令指向dnf命令,实际执行yum是调用的dnf命令。而主控端的机器是python2,不支持dnf模块 五、解决 改用shell模块安装
首先,首先在你的项目目录下创建一个名为Dockerfile的文件,并将上面的示例代码复制粘贴进去。 然后,使用以下命令构建 Docker 镜像: dockerbuild-tmy-python-image. 1. 上面的命令会在当前目录下的 Dockerfile 文件中构建一个名为my-python-image的镜像。 接着,可以使用以下命令运行容器,并进入容器的交互式 shell 中...
fresh install of dnf bundle errors using install_dnf.sh ( tried both -d and -y ) on - 7300-02-01-2346 - rpm.rte (have also tried from latest dnf bundle for 7.3) - dnf_bundle_aix_73_v12.tar (2023-11-30 03:02) - openssl.base - pyt...
2024-01-24 install python3 in rocky linux/ubuntu dnf install gcc openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel -y # sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev -y wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.10.0/Python-3.10.0.tgz tar xzf Python-3.10.0.t...
"cmd": "dnf install -y python2-dnf", "msg": "Could not import the dnf python module using /usr/bin/python (2.7.16 (default, Apr 30 2019, 15:54:43) [GCC 9.0.1 20190312 (Red Hat 9.0.1-0.10)]). Please install `python2-dnf` package or ensure you have specified the correct ans...
dnf groupinstall development -y Wait for the installation to complete. 2. Choose Location Choose which directory will contain the Python virtual environment. Either select an existing one, or create a new directory using themkdir command:
# If you installed python using Microsoft Store, replace `py` with `python3` in the next line. py -m pip install --user pipx It is possible (even most likely) the above finishes with a WARNING looking similar to this: WARNING: The script pipx.exe is installed in `<USER folder>\Ap...
sudo dnf update sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries" Configure, make and make install ./configure --enable-optimizations Before runningmake, find the number of processors your server has usingnproc. nproc You will see something like this: ...
systemd-python.x86_64 219-19.el7_2.11 systemd-sysv.x86_64 219-19.el7_2.11 Complete! 13. Check for System Updates using DNF Check updates for all the system packages installed into the system by running the following command. [root@linuxhelp ~]# dnf check-updateUsing metadata from Wed Jun...
The installation process optionally adds this directory to the system PATH, so you don’t have to configure anything. If you don’t do this during installation, you canadd Python to the Windows PATH variablelater, manually. If you’re usingChocolatey to install packages, make sure to avoid ...