7、建议保持默认配置即可,点击“Next”进入下一步。(其中Documentation表示帮助文档,pip用于安装模块,tcl/tk and IDLE是tkinter界面库及使用其开发的自带的开发环境,Python test suite标准库测试套件,py launcher用于设置用哪个版本的Python解释器运行脚本),会弹出如下窗口:8、其中各列表项含义见下:install for a...
当你安装完Anaconda之后,你的电脑便已经内置了一个Python环境,更准确地说是一个Python的安装包。它还内置了conda这个强大的包管理器,你可以启动Anaconda Navigator可视化地管理电脑中已经安装的python相关的安装包。有意思的是,严格意义上python是conda的一个子集,因为conda也管理着python这个安装包。 当然,最重要的是,A...
Python IDLE incorporates the following features: It is implemented using 100% pure Python and utilizes the tkinter GUI toolkit. It is cross-platform, providing consistent functionality across Windows, Unix, and macOS. The IDE includes a Python shell window with colorizing capabilities for code input...
如果你从官方 www.python.org 网站下载 Python,Python 还带着一个叫做 IDLE 的默认开发环境。IDLE 适合于起步,之后你可以决定选择任何一个最好的免费 Python IDE。 在Ubuntu 和 Fedora 中,IDLE 并没有和 Python 一起被默认包含,你必须手动安装它。从终端运行下面的命令来手动安装 IDLE: Ubuntu: sudo apt insta...
Installing current or older versions of Python can be done in a few minutes. We’ll show you how to set up the scripting language on your system.
td/tk and IDLE Python test suite py launcher If you do not need a specific item, you can remove the corresponding checkbox and click theNextbutton. Once done, let the installation be finished automatically. How to install Python in Windows 11/10 using Microsoft Store ...
Python IDLEis a GUI-based tool for Python. If you wish to install thePython IDLE, grab the package namedidle(Debian) or python-tools (RHEL). # yum install python3-idle [OnRHEL/CentOS/FedoraandRocky Linux/AlmaLinux] # apt-get install idle [OnDebian, Ubuntu and Mint] ...
✔ tcl/tk and IDLE Installs tkinter and the IDLE development environment # Python测试套件; 安装标准库测试套件。 ✔ Python test suite Installs the standard library test suite. # py启动器,适用于所有用户(需要提升);安装全局的“py”启动器,以便更容易地启动Python。
$ sudo yum install python3-tools [On CentOS/RHEL and Fedora] Once the installation is completed type"idle"from the terminal or go to start menu→type"idle"→Launch application. $ idle When you open theIDLE, the interactive terminal will be displayed first. The interactive terminal provides au...
Once the installation is complete, the installer will automatically open Python's installation directory in a new Finder window. Confirming Your Python Installation You need to confirm that you've correctly installed Python and IDLE, the integrated development environment that comes with Python—just on...