Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate 是用于在 PowerShell 中安装 PSWindowsUpdate 模块的命令。该模块允许你通过 PowerShell 脚本和命令行界面来管理 Windows 更新。以下是关于如何安装 PSWindowsUpdate 模块的详细步骤: 确认安装命令: 安装PSWindowsUpdate 模块的命令是 Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate。这个命令会从 PowerShel...
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Scope CurrentUser使用Install-ModuleName 参数指定 PowerShellGet 模块。 Install-Module 将最新版本的 PowerShellGet 下载并安装到当前用户的目录中 $home\Documents\PowerShell\Modules。参数-AcceptLicense对于需要许可证的模块, AcceptLicense 会在安装期间自动接受许可协议。 有关...
To use the module on older versions of Windows, you mustupdate the version of PowerShell. You can remotely install the PSWindowsUpdate module on other computers on the network. The following command will copy the module files to the specified computers (WinRM is used to access remote computers...
AD Module for Windows PowerShell - Insufficient Access Rights to perform the operation AD Powershell command for deleted users AD Powershell script to generate last log in details for a specific user for last 60 days AD User - Update inheritable persmission AD User Creation Error AD User sid ...
关于powershell5.1 Install-Module 报错 在安装某些模块的时候,如安装 PowerShellGet 模块,提示我们无法安装 NuGet 提供程序,警告无法从 URI 下载,无法下载可用提供程序的列表。错误后安装失败。 总结:Windows10自带powershell为5.1版本,默认SSL 3.0 和 TLS 1.0均已弃用。
A group of connected Windows PowerShell members, such as cmdlets, providers, functions, workflows, aliases, and variables, are grouped in a PowerShell module. Implementation of the components that make up a package can take place either in the form of a
PowerShell Install-Module 离线安装 .nupkg包 #Install-Module 离线安装$parameters = @{ Name = "NichengRep" SourceLocation = "D:\software" PublishLocation = "D:\software" InstallationPolicy = 'Trusted' } Register-PSRepository @parameters Get-PSRepository Install-Module -Name SqlServer -RequiredVersion...
The PowerShell script described here enables you to install Windows updates more flexibly than with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) or Group Policy. To this end, it allows you to determine precisely when to install certain updates on different types of computers in your network. ...
PowerShell Copy Install-WindowsFeature [-Name] <Feature[]> [-Restart] [-IncludeAllSubFeature] [-IncludeManagementTools] [-Source <String[]>] [-ComputerName <String>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-LogPath <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]...
Import-Module PSWindowsUpdate Run this command to check for pending Windows updates: Get-WindowsUpdate PowerShell will display a list of available Windows updates. Note down theKB numberof the update you want to install. Run this command to download and install the update. ...