This article lists the Linux distributions and package managers that are supported for installing PowerShell.
curl | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y powershell 2、 安装PowerCli Pwsh mkdir -p ~/.local/share/powershell/Modules Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -Scope CurrentU...
用WSL安装成功后多..系统win11版本,刚用powershell 执行wsl --install成功安装后,可运行UBUNTU程序(POWERSHELL模式),但同时多了一个Install release(ubuntu) Pacchetto universale di PowerShell 7.3.12 (stabile) per le versioni supportate di Ubuntu
تنزيل PowerShell إصدار PowerShell 7.4 (LTS) بحث How to use this documentation Overview Install Overview Installing PowerShell on Windows Installing PowerShell on Linux Installing PowerShell on macOS Installing PowerShell on Arm Using PowerShell in Docker Micros...
登录/注册 andySoft 专业提供PowerShell咨询,从无序中创建有序, powershell小技巧008 | Ubuntu安装\使用powershell # Update the list of packagessudo apt-get update Install pre-requisite packages. sudo apt-get install -y wget apt-transport-https software-properties-common ...
elif [ $HOST_OS = 'Linux' ] ; then if which dpkg > /dev/null; then # Linux distro: deb (ubuntu) check_pwsh $pwsh_ver pwsh_pkg="powershell_$pwsh_ver-1.deb_amd64.deb" pwsh_pkg_out="$myRoot/tmp/$pwsh_pkg" if [ ! -f "$pwsh_pkg_out" ] ; then ...
Write-Verbose '已安装powershell。开始检查powershell-sshd' $检查cmd12 = @' if grep -Eq 'powershell' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; then echo 'powershell_ssh_good';fi '@ $检查cmd12返回 = Invoke-WinSCPCommand -WinSCPSession $连接51 -Command $检查cmd12 if ($检查cmd12返回.outp...
运行并安装,比如安装在了D:/miniconda3目录,安装完成后,打开windows系统环境设置: 打开”环境变量“窗口,在Path中添加 ”D:\miniconda3\Scripts“, 然后,以管理员身份运行powershell。在powershell中运行: 重启powershell
Windows and Ubuntu usersDelete existing applications on Azure SphereFrom the Windows PowerShell command line or Linux terminal, run the following command to delete any existing applications on the device: Azure Sphere CLI Copy azsphere device sideload delete Restart Azure Sphere: Azure Sphere CL...