powershell之术语 'Install-Module' 未被识别为 cmdlet 的名称 我按照指示安装poshgit.这样做我跑了: Install-Module posh-git 错误: The term 'Install-Module' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path w...
它的 Shell 终端太拉胯了。且不说原先的 CMD,难用且难看,就连新加入的 PowerShell 也是一如既往...
Now you’re ready to install the git module in PowerShell. Step 2: Add the Posh-git module To add the Posh-git module, type the following command: Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser -Force Then press Enter. Next, we’re going to import the module into PowerShell. To do this...
install-module -ModuleUrl https://github.com/dahlbyk/posh-git/zipball/master This command executesInstall.ps1which installs script forposh-git. (posh-gitis in the directory, soinstall-module posh-gitis enough.) And of course, it supports local files, both ZIP and PSM1: ...
For PowerShell, you can configure a powerline-like prompt by installingoh-my-poshby using the sample code below. # PowerShell Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser Install-Module oh-my-posh -Scope CurrentUser Set-Prompt Once that’s installed, your PowerShell prompt will have more infor...
Sysinternals tools and settings that need to be installed or configured. So... Let's automate that🙂Below are my installation scripts which you can use to install everything, or just the programs or perhaps just the PowerShell modules. Options are there to do so a...
Posh-GitHub Posh-VsVars PyWin32 Python.Cheetah ResourceKit.2003 SABnzbd SQL2008.ClrTypes SQL2008.CmdLine SQL2008.NativeClient SQL2008.Powershell SQL2008.SMO SQL2008R2.ClrTypes SQL2008R2.CmdLine SQL2008R2.NativeClient SQL2008R2.PowerShell ...
JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh winget install -e --id Postman.Postman winget install -e --id Microsoft.PowerShell winget install -e --id Microsoft.PowerToys winget install -e --id Python.Python.3 winget install -e --id RubyInstallerTeam.RubyWithDevKit winget install -e --id Spotify.Spotify (...
Open PowerShell, and run commands below PS C:\Users\Administrator> iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://get.scoop.sh') PowerShell requires an execution policy of 'RemoteSigned' to run Scoop. To make this change please run: 'Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser'...
微软官网:PowerShell 是构建于 .NET 上基于任务的命令行 shell 和脚本语言。 PowerShell 可帮助系统管理...