If you are interested in a different color vita (like my pink one), I got mine online from an eBay seller in Japan atebay.com/search. Step 1: Download NoPayStation and Unzip PKg2Zip. Run the NPS Browser, it should give you a prompt above. Step 2: Provide Links for NoPayStation. ...
Includere il percorso completo del .pkg file. Installare il pacchetto come si farebbe normalmente.Nota Si tratta di un problema noto correlato alla notarizzazione del pacchetto che verrà risolto in futuro.Installare come strumento globale .NET...
mkdir -p /home/[USERNAME]/go/pkg/mod/cache/vcs#git3 https://github.com/go-delve/delve#lock /home/[USERNAME]/go/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/09e416c991289a13aad7de4337bb96bc98ab89763cc18ac2f790771787c60ed5.lock# /home/[USERNAME]/go/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/09e416c991289a13aad7de4337bb96bc98ab897...