1. 打开终端窗口:在Linux系统中,打开终端窗口是进行命令行操作的途径。可以通过在桌面上找到终端图标并点击打开,或使用快捷键组合(通常是Ctrl+Alt+T)来打开终端。 2. 安装ping命令:在终端窗口中输入命令“sudo yum install iputils”。这条命令会使用yum包管理器来安装iputils软件包,其中包含了ping命令。 3. 输入...
在Linux系统中,特别是基于Debian或Ubuntu的发行版,安装ping命令通常涉及安装iputils-ping软件包。以下是关于如何使用apt命令安装ping工具的详细步骤: 确认用户权限: 确保你具有管理员权限,因为安装软件包通常需要超级用户权限。你可以通过sudo命令来提升权限。 更新软件包信息: 在安装新的软件包之前,建议先更新本地的软件...
apt install net-tools # ping apt install iputils-ping # ip apt install iproute2 centos # ifconfig yum install net-tools # ping yum install iputils # ip
How to Install the Ping Command on Fedora Linux Before installing the “ping” command utility, let’s update the system as per the latest one available: sudodnf update To install the “ping” command utility, you need to get the “iputils” package. So, install it through the following c...
默认情况下,Linux系统的TTL值为64或255,Windows NT/2000/XP系统的TTL值为128,Windows 98系统的TTL值为32,UNIX主机的TTL值为255。 五、简单示例 1、每隔0.6秒ping一次,一共ping 5次: [root@aiezu.com ~]# ping -c 5 -i 0.6 qq.com PING qq.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. ...
First, update the local package cache by running this command as root (use sudo if you are not root): apt update Now, install the iputils-ping package with this command: apt install iputils-ping Now, you canuse the ping command.
To installbcon Red Hat based Linux: $ sudo yum install bc Installation oftcpping After installing these prerequisite tools, finally go ahead and downloadtcppingfrom the official source. $ wget http://www.vdberg.org/~richard/tcpping $ sudo cp tcpping /usr/bin ...
我们在用maven构建java项目时,最常用的打包命令有mvn package、mvn install、deploy,这三个命令都可完成打jar包或war(当然也可以是其它形式的包)的功能,但这三个命令还是有区别的。下面通过分别执行这三个命令的输出结果,来分析各自所执行的maven的生命周期。
After you install SQLite, PostgreSQL, or both, you can specify a database to use by editing/etc/xdl/db.confafter installing the Linux VDA package. To do so, complete the following steps: Run/opt/Citrix/VDA/sbin/ctxcleanup.sh. Omit this step if it is a fresh installat...
You can only install tcpping on your Linux Mint by using the terminal of the system. Follow the steps mentioned below to install tcpping on your system: Step 1:First, installtcptracerouteusing the command given below: $sudoaptinstalltcptraceroute ...