照葫芦画瓢时间到)问题二(python3 pip升级命令): 基于python3开发用pip安装插件时候要求pip 版本为20.0.2(因人而异) python -m pip install --upgrade pip 问题三: 卸载PIP的命令:python -m pip uninstall pip 重装PIP的命令:easy_inata...
windows下安装easy_install, pip 及whl文件安装方法 转: 写在前面的话 最近在看"Computer Vision with Python"需要安装PIL库,平时一直在windows下开发,就去"Python Extensions for Windows"下找找看,结果下下来文件的拓展名是.whl。Google了一番才知道安装这种拓展名的包需要pip。平时习惯用.exe安装包,easy_install...
写在前面的话 最近在看"Computer Vision with Python"需要安装PIL库,平时一直在windows下开发,就去"Python Extensions for Windows"下找找看,结果下下来文件的拓展名是.whl。Google了一番才知道安装这种拓展名的包需要pip。平时习惯用.exe安装包,easy_install、pip都没装。扒拉点资料,整理下easy_install的安装方法。
首先,确保你的Python环境中已经安装了pip。然后打开命令行窗口,输入以下命令来安装PIL库: pipinstallpillow 1. 执行以上命令后,pip会自动下载并安装PIL库。安装完成后,你就可以在Python中使用PIL库来处理图像了。 示例代码 下面是一个简单的示例代码,演示了如何使用PIL库来打开一张图片,并显示它: fromPILimportImage...
Sorry. I am new to python. I am learning by trying to create a game. The game will require reading a jpg and inserting it into an excel spreadsheet. needing to read an image I tried 'PIL import Image', but got Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/Don/PycharmProjects...
PIL 是一个 Python 图像处理库,是本课程使用的重要工具,安装 pillow(PIL)库: $ sudoapt-getupdate $ sudo apt-get install python-dev $ sudo apt-get install libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-devzlib1g-dev\ libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev python-tk ...
Off the top of my head, Pillow can be installed with: setuptools, easy_install, pip, .deb/rpm system packages, windows .exe, some form of .eggs, emerge, and likely a few others. It can be installed in virtualenvs, or not. The first three and emerge run off of, the othe...
That’s it! If you are looking for more modules/packages, check out the Python Cheese Shop. Enjoy! PS. As a side note, I realized that although you can install PIL via easy_install, it doesn’t seem to import properly. A quick scan of Google makes me think I’m not the only one...
首先下载easy_install的安装包,下载地址: 下载自己对应的版本,windows上面直接运行exe安装就可以了linux上面可以直接运行 sh setuptools-0.6c9-py2.4.egg 安装完成后,easy_install会被自动复制到bin目录下,也就是我们的PATH路径下,所以我们在终端中可以直接运行easy_install命令...
当使用pip install安装Python包时出现clang错误,可以尝试以下解决方法: 1. 确保已安装Xcode命令行工具(适用于Mac用户): - 打开终端并运行以下命令:xcode-...