1. Install phpMyAdmin using yum with the epel repo. Copy code sudo yum --enablerepo=epel install phpmyadmin This will ask to install some dependencies. Enter "y" to accept. It will then ask you to import the GPG key. Enter "y" to accept. 2. Map phpMyAdmin to a web accessible direc...
地址:https://www.codewithharry.com/blogpost/install-phpmyadmin-ubuntu-nginx/ How to install PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu running Nginx (LEMP stack) In this post, we will see how to install phpMyAdmin on servers running Nginx. Follow the steps below: Step 1 - Installing phpMyAdmin Enter the following ...
When you install phpMyAdmin onto your server, it automatically creates a database user calledphpmyadmin, which performs certain underlying processes for the program. Rather than logging in as this user with the administrative password you set during installation, it’s recommended that you log in as...
You can also install and use phpMyAdmin on macOS with XAMPP. The procedure is thesame, but make sure to select the version for macOS when downloading XAMPP. Unlike on Windows,Apache and PHP are already preinstalled on macOS, so the manual setup of phpMyAdmin can be done in just a few ste...
sudo apt-get install php5-gd 8.安装phpmyadmin(打开浏览器输入localhost/phpmyadmin查看是否成功安装) sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin 9.选择其它php5的扩张模块 sudo apt-get install php5再按tab键两次可自己选择想用的扩张模块 10.配置文件 Apache的配置文件:/etc/apache2/apache2.conf ...
phpMyAdmin is a web-based tool that simplifies MySQL database management, offering a user-friendly interface for tasks like creating, modifying, and deleting databases, tables, and users. Installing phpMyAdmin on Debian involves downloading the package, configuring the web server (Apache), and setting...
Step 4: (Optional) Install phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin is a web-based database management tool that you can use to view and edit the MySQL databases on your EC2 instance. Follow the steps below to install and configure phpMyAdmin on your Amazon Linux instance....
MariaDB is an open-source database management system, commonly used as an alternative for the MySQL portion of the popular LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Py…
After installing MySQL,configure phpMyAdmin on your Ubuntu serverso you can easily manage your database using a graphical interface. How to install MySQL on Ubuntu FAQ What versions of Ubuntu are compatible with MySQL installation? Technically, you can install MySQL on any version of Ubuntu, includ...
执行:./upgrade.sh 按提示进行选择也可以直接带参数:./upgrade.sh {nginx|mysql|mariadb|php|phpa|m2m|phpmyadmin} 参数: nginx 可升级至任意Nginx版本。 参数: mysql 可升级至任意MySQL版本,MySQL升级风险较大,虽然会自动备份数据,依然建议自行再备份一下。 参数: mariadb 可升级已安装的Mariadb,虽然会自动备份...