extension=php_gd2.dll 然后重启Web服务器。 验证GD扩展是否成功启用: 可以通过执行以下命令来验证GD扩展是否成功启用: bash php -m | grep gd 如果输出中包含"gd"字样,则表示GD扩展已成功启用。另外,也可以通过创建一个包含phpinfo();函数的PHP文件,并在浏览器中访问该文件来查看GD扩展的详细信息。 通过以...
Step 1: Download the PHP files x64 Thread Safe https://windows.php.net/download/ Step 2: Extract the files php C:\ C:\php Step 3: Configurephp.ini php.ini C:\php\php.ini-development C:\php\php.ini php.ini ; extension=curlextension=gdextension=mbstringextension=pdo_mysql ...
在Ubuntu操作系统下,使用apt-get工具安装php扩展库显得极为方便。为了安装常用的mcrypt、curl和gd库,我们只需在终端中输入以下命令:apt-get install php5-mcrypt;apt-get install php5-curl;apt-get install php5-gd;在完成安装后,需要重启apache服务,确保新安装的库能正常加载。执行命令:service ...
安装php gd库报错Error: php56w-common conflicts with php-common-5.3.3-48.el6_8.x86_64 大概的意思是错误:php56w-common与php-common-5.3.3-48.el6_8.x86_64冲突 yum install php56w-gd 安装,ok 问题解决
In cases where you need to add extensions later on, you might get lucky and the extension could be in the repository of the OS you’re using. It might just be a simple sudo apt-get install php5-intl away. In other cases, however, you might need to install it from source – ...
Ubuntu的软件包下载、安装工具:apt-get非常好用,而且Ubuntu的软件源提供了大部分常用的软件包,所以,在Ubuntu下安装php的扩展库mcrypt、curl和gd库是非常简单的,输入如下命令即可自动完成(以下安装前提是系统安装了PHP5): apt-get install php5-mcrypt; apt-get install php5-curl; apt-get install php5-gd; 安...
extension=curl extension=gd extension=mbstring extension=exif extension=mysqliCopy Configure PHP for Apache on Windows To configure PHP for the Apache web server, you must first ensure that Apache is installed on Windows. This section assumes you are using Apache Lounge, so instructions may differ...
Install PHP Setup Virtual Webhost Test PHP Processing Test Database Connection Step 1 — Installing Apache and Updating the Firewall The Apache web server is among the most popular web servers in the world. It’s well documented, has an active community of users, and has been in ...
FROM php:7.2-cli ADD --chmod=0755 https://github.com/mlocati/docker-php-extension-installer/releases/latest/download/install-php-extensions /usr/local/bin/ RUN install-php-extensions gd xdebug Downloading the script on the fly with curl FROM php:7.2-cli RUN curl -sSLf \ -o /usr/local...
Don't guess your way through this one. Here, we walk you through how to install PHP on any server with clear step-by-step instructions.