Install PHP 5.3 I chose the Installer option, not the zip, and I chose Non Thread Safe version, after reading this article: Set IIS To Use FastCGI for php requests: Open IIS: Start M...
however some configuration must be done in order for it to properly run. The first step is to download the PHP Windows Binaries and extract them (i.e. ‘C:PHP’). For IIS 7, the non thread safe binaries should be used.
Up until php version 5.3 most web developers using php installed ISAPI From php version 5.3 on ISAPI is not longer supported. The alternative is to use FastCGI Although there are many web sites complaining about this change ISAPI works well for a website with 0-20 users, however FastCGI runs...
Why install FastCGI and not ISAPI? Up until php version 5.3 most web developers using php installed ISAPI From php version 5.3 on ISAPI is not longer supported. The alternative is to use FastCGI Although there are many web sites complaining about this change ISAPI works well for a website wi...
1.1. Install IIS 1.2 Install PHP by using Web PI 1.3. Download and Install PHP Manually 1.4. Add Your PHP Application See Also Applies To: Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012 In this step of building a PHP website, you install IIS and FastCGI, download and install PHP and the ...
Windows2008R2手工搭建IIS7.5+php+mysql环境 1、IIS7.5安装 CGI是必须选的 2. 准备软件 1)mysql-essential-5.1.51-winx64 64位的mysql 2)php 自己的包 v5.2 下载 (拷贝到 C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.2) 3)phpMyAdmin-3.5.3-all-languages 3、安装mySQL 版本号5.1.51,X64的,因为R2是64位的,特意...
是否需要运行mysql服务器才能加载php_mysql.dll扩展名 我有一台带有IIS7的Windows Vista PC,我已经设法在其上手动安装PHP.并设法加载我的PHP自定义扩展之一,以及mbstring扩展. 但是当我通过phpinfo检查时,我的mysql扩展名没有加载,我检查了所有路径变量,php.ini文件中未注释的请求行,也验证了该文件是否存在. 我的...
install/windows/index.xml: add the option tag (#3584) mmalferovauthoredJul 21, 2024 · 1 / 1 Verified 8c1eafb Commits on Jul 19, 2024 Windows 7 is no longer supported as of PHP 8.3.0 (#3583) cmb69authoredJul 20, 2024 · 1 / 1 Verified aff99a1 Commits on Jun 13, 2021...
Configure an ISAPI and CGI Restrictions entry to enable the added Handler for PHP This is all you need to do. Conceptually, it is not any different than prior IIS versions, like IIS6, and the necessary data is pretty much the same. The only difference is that you are configuring a Handl...