PHP-FPM is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation . Step 9 »Install php-fpm and php-mysql. [root@krizna ~]# yum install php-fpm php-mysql Step 10 »Open/etc/php-fpm.d/www.confwhich is config file for php-fpm and change user and group from apache to nginx. ; RPM: apache C...
It is a guide of how to install multiple version of PHP on CentOS 6.5 64bit. All different PHP as fastcgi. It is works on Apache, one web server, each virtualhost has its own different php version support. 0) Prepare the testing environment Disable SELinux and stop iptables. It is for...
Wordpress is a free and open source website and blogging tool that uses php and MySQL. It was created in 2003 and has since then expanded to manage 22% of al…
CentOS 6.4系统及Root或者sudo权限,系统正常连接网络 使用到的软件: apache ,mysql-server ,php ,mediawiki ,memcached 软件包的安装 首先,需要安装apache, php, mysql-server, mysql-client等相关软件包 # yum install httpd php php-mysql php-gd php-xml mysql-server mysql libxml2 memcached lrzsz ...
首先要搞清楚的一件事情是,所有的依赖都定义在composer.json中。 在指定安装扩展包的时候,并不是非要指明一个精确的版本。 那么就有可能发生这么一个情况,对于同一份composer.json,我们在不同时刻拉取到的依赖文件可能不同(因为composer会在满足条件的情况下去拉取最新的那份依赖),从而导致一些异常情况。
CentOSrelease 6.3 (Final) # rpm -qa |wc -l 244 一,安装apache #yum –y install gcc #tar –zxvf httpd-2.2.23.tar.gz #cd httpd-2.2.23 #./configure –-prefix=/usr/local/apahce2 #make #make install #ln –s /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl /etc/init.d/apache ...
The acronym stands for Linux, nginx (pronounced Engine x), MySQL, and PHP. Since the server is already running CentOS, the linux part is taken care of. Here is how to install the rest. Step One—Install the Required Repositories We will be installing all of the required soft...
在CentOS 6.6 内核2.6 上装Docker CE 17.03.2, 总算跑起来,主要有两点 1.需要升级kernel到3.10,如果需要overlay存储方式需要升到kernel4.4版本 2.Docker 二进制方式安装 3.cAdvisor选择v0.27.4版本 大体流程如下 0.check uname-srLinux2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64 ...
3-Centos--yum) 1. 2. 3. 4、以上3步确定好之后,需要确保linux系统下含有Apache(Centos下以httpd展示)且确定Apache版本-查看方式: httpd -v 1. 确定是否有PHP的环境且PHP版本,查看方式: php -v 1. 确定是否有Mysql且版本-查看方式: mysql _V