Expert installation of PHP and Laravel CodeCanyon scripts Seamless setup for a variety of script types, including e-commerce and social networking Professional and reliable service to ensure a smooth and hassle-free installation process Note: Please contact me before placing an order to discuss the ...
安装PHP程序的时候,提示The fileinfo extension is required.,缺少fileinfo 扩展,因为LNmpA没有自行开启,所以需要我们手工去开启fileinfo 扩展。 方法如下: 第一步:找到llnmp安装源位置: cd /lnmp1.5/src/php-5.6.9/ext/fileinfo/ (如果php包没解压,那就解压) 第二步: /usr/local/php/bin/phpize 返回类似...
laravel-admin安装时执行php arisan admin:install 命令时报SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or acce ss violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes 问题根源MySql支持的utf8编码最大字符长度为3字节,如果遇到4字节的宽字符就会出现插入异常。三个字节UTF-8最大能编码的Unicode字符...
I had installed php 8.0 (from long time now) and today i was tested laravel valet. I uninstalled it but it also removed php 8.0 and now I can't install it again. It failed at jpeg-xl install. It is possible to get it back? iMac-Rafal:~ rafal$ brew install php@8.0 Warning: You...
文档地址: To Reproduce:第一步:composer require encore/laravel-admin "1.5.*"正确第二步:php artisan vendor:publish --provider="EncoreAdminAdminServiceProvider" 正确Publishing complete.第三步:php artisan admin:install 错误提示There are no commands defined in the...
The Laravel server requirements specify the PHP extensions, including BCMath, Ctype, cURL, DOM, Fileinfo, JSON, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PCRE, PDO, Tokenizer, and XML, are required. These extensions are usually included and enabled during a PHP installation. You can use the following command in Ubunt...
问题描述:根据laravel-admin官方文档安装步骤,执行:php artisan admin:install 安装时报错。 其实是数据库创建特殊字符过长问题,laravel 5.4 改变了默认的数据库字符集,现在utf8mb4包括存储emojis支持。如果你运行MySQL v5.7.7或者更高版本,则不需要做任何事情。
Fiverr freelancer will provide Website Development services and fix, install and develop php laravel websites including Functional website within 1 day
Re-add the codesleeve service provider to app/config/app.php Run a composer dump-autoload See how that goes with each step. I'm assuming the problem will still exist but the first 3-4 steps will be good. Possibly look into upgrading laravel to 4.1 as I think the new codesleeve require...
He is growth ambitious and aims to learn & share information about PHP & Laravel Development through practice and experimentation. He loves to travel and explore new ideas whenever he finds time. Get in touch with him at ...