10. I am going to create a simple hello world program in PHP to check how it works. I am going to create a folder on my desktop. Right-click and click on New and click on Folder. I am going to name the folder as PHP demo and press enter. 11. Once the folder is created, go ...
The article provides a comprehensive guide on installing PHP 8.2 and Apache 2.4 on Windows 10 or 11 (64-bit), noting that while Linux and macOS often have these pre-installed, Windows requires additional steps. The guide also covers alternative installation options such as using an all-in-one...
Step 1. Download PHP for Windows Go to the PHP Downloads page A couple of notes - as of this writing, PHP is at version 8.1.11. Also the download screen shot below is showing the options for x64 downloads which is the platform I'm using. Right below that are the same x86 downlo...
Install Requirements PHP 5.5+ require at least Windows 2008/Vista, or 2008r2, 2012, 2012r2, 2016 or 7, 8, 8.1, 10. Either 32-Bit or 64-bit (aka X86 or X64. PHP does not run on Windows RT/WOA/ARM). PHP requires the Visual C runtime(CRT). Many applications require that so it...
I've been using Prestashop from time to times (I mainly use Wordpress & Drupal, and I often teach PHP/SQL/CMS to students), and EVERYTIME Prestashop is the CMS giving me the hard time on local installation !!! I use Wamp 3.3.0 (PHP 8.1) on Windows 10 Presta...
Want to add ready-to-use PHP packages to your project even faster with Composer? Find out how to add Composer to Windows 11 in this tutorial.
Composer installation on Windows 11 First steps when using Composer The package manager is used in PHP projects to manage and update dependencies. To help you get started with Composer and avoid common errors, we’ve compiled the most important Composer commands. ...
Installing PHP on Windows 7 is quite a simple affair. If you follow the steps exactly as described in this tutorial you will have PHP up and running without any problems. However, as experienced developers know, you first need to have aweb serverrunning on the system. Here are instructions...
// If config.php exists we just created config.php and need to redirect to continue installation $configfile = './config.php'; if (file_exists($configfile)) { header("Location: $admin/index.php?lang=$lang"); die; } define('CLI_SCRIPT', false); // prevents some warnings ...
New version of Software like openssl 3.0, Python 3.10, GCC 11 and PHP 8.1. Table of Contents Prerequisites Install Ubuntu 22.04 Step-by-Step (Desktop Edition) 1) Download Ubuntu 22.04 ISO File 2) Create Installation Media 3) Boot System with Installation Media ...