While getting into theKria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit ApplicationsI’ve had to install Vitis and PetaLinux 2022.1 on Ubuntu 20.04. In this post I just want to write out some clear instructions to make it a smoother process for others that need to do the same thing. Step 1: Install depe...
https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Embedded-Linux/Petalinux-installation-does-not-recognize-installed-Python/m-p/1116441#M43046 as they said"A new version of Ubuntu changed how the command 'python' is run. dpkg therefor was no longer able to find the package 'python'. Added the pseudo package '...
I am using WSL2, which is running Ubuntu 20.04. The directory in question is owned by myuser:myuser, not root:root. It gets through installing the Petalinux SDK and the first buildtools install, but it fails on buildtools_extended. The issue appears to be a sed rename, but I am not...
/mnt/c/petalinux/petalinux_installation_log Hello, Thanks for the reply. I installed the packages needed. The petalinux SDK installer stoppes while installing yocto through a python script. relocate_sdk.py", line 243, in <module> File "/mnt/c/petalinux/components/yoct...