here = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()# Get the long description from the README filelong_description = (here /"").read_text(encoding="utf-8")# Arguments marked as "Required" below must be included for upload to PyPI.# Fields marked as "Optional" may be commented ...
#Please user absolute path of Python virtual enviroment directory. #if so,"home" is the root directory of the virtual enviroment and #PYTHONHOME is the bin directory of the virtual enviroment(where Python executable files are placed) # home = /env # PYTHONHOME = /env/bin #Django project d...
frompathlibimportPath importpkg_resources importsys importtime fromurllib.requestimporturlretrieve fromrequests.exceptionsimportHTTPError # requires databricks-cli to be installed and authentication to be configured fromdatabricks_cli.configure.providerimportProfileConfigProvider ...
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import json import os import shlex import shutil import subprocess from pathlib import Path parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Nutrimatic installertool") parser.add_argument("output_dir", type=Path, help="Root directory to deploy to") args = par...
import pathlib root_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent sys.path.insert(0, str(root_dir.joinpath("src"))) # using pytest def test_hello(): import pypackage pypackage.say_hello("yluuu") 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...
setup.py是一个 python 文件,它通常告诉您要安装的模块/包已使用 Distutils 打包和分发,Distutils 是分发 Python 模块的标准。这使您可以轻松安装 Python 包。通常这样写就足够了:$ pip install . 换句话说,setup.py是一个打包文件,而pip是一个包管理器,因此您应该有setup.py文件才能使用pip安装。
我正在尝试在运行 Windows 10 并安装了 Python 3.6 的 PC 上安装 hdbscan。 我的第一次尝试失败了: (base) C:\WINDOWS\system32>pip install hdbscan --user Collecting hdbscan Using cached
conda虚拟环境下,有的虚拟环境的python不能使用(which python时直接使用全局路径下的python),且pip install也会安装到全局路径中,无法安装到conda虚拟环境中。 解决方案 查看虚拟环境的PIP缓存默认路径:python -m site -help,查看USER_BASE和USER_SITE是否是当前虚拟环境对应的路径,如果不是或者是None,需要手动找到XXX...
The Top 50 Software CEOs of 2024 The Software Report is pleased to announce The Top 50 Software CEOs of 2024. The CEOs on this year’s list represent some of the most Read More Python Package Management Guide for Enterprise Developers ...