We have quarto on the Linux image to build vignettes, but some packages also want it on Win/Mac. https://github.com/r-universe/ropensci/actions/runs/12159892618 Quarto is quite big so it adds some build time to install it on every run. H...
The R blogger Rolf Fredheim has recently wrote a great piece called “Reproducible research with R, Knitr, Pandoc and Word“, where he advocates for Pandoc as an essential part of reproducible research workflow in R, in helping to turn documents …Read m
Upgrading R on Windows is not easy. While the R FAQ offer guidelines, some users may prefer to simply run a command in order to upgrade their R to the latest version. That is what the new {installr} package is all about. The {installr} package offers a s
To make updating R (on windows) as easy as running a function. To make it as easy as possible to install all of the needed software for R development (such as git, RTools, etc), as well as for reproducible research using R (such as MikTeX, pandoc, etc). ...
我正在尝试从R 3.1.1使用installr包在Windows 7上安装installr。我使用了以下代码:install.pandoc()In 浏览3提问于2014-10-03得票数3 1回答 无法安装rtools并正确配置路径。 、 我按照的指示来安装R和Rstudio,具体来说,在安装R时,我将C:\R\R-3.4.1设置为存储R的文件夹,而不是C:\Program Files\R\R-...
https://www.r-project.org/nosvn/pandoc/devtools.html rahelbSeptember 22, 2020, 6:07pm5 Thanks a lot for the suggestion! Unfortunately, that didn't work either. When I try install.packages("isoband") install.packages("rla...
brew install git cmake ninja pkg-config wget bash-completion curl gnu-sed coreutils ccache libtool astyle help2man autoconf automake pandoc if you have these tools installed from MacPorts or Conda, it is the same, but we will need to be able to run cmake and others from Terminal in ...
R CMD check --as-cran now: checks a ‘README.md’ file can be processed: this needs pandoc installed. checks the existence and accessibility of URLs in the ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘CITATION’, ‘NEWS.Rd’ and ‘README.md’ files and in the help files (provided the build has libcurlsu...
R CMD check --as-cran now: checks a ‘README.md’ file can be processed: this needs pandoc installed. checks the existence and accessibility of URLs in the ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘CITATION’, ‘NEWS.Rd’ and ‘README.md’ files and in the help files (provided the build has ...
brew install git cmake ninja pkg-config wget bash-completion curl gnu-sed coreutils ccache libtool astyle help2man autoconf automake pandoc if you have these tools installed from MacPorts or Conda, it is the same, but we will need to be able to run cmake and others from Terminal in ...