还是以Locust项目为例,我们通过pip命令也可以实现一条命令安装Github项目源码。 $ pip install git+https://github.com/locustio/locust.git@master#egg=locustio Collecting locustio from git+https://github.com/locustio/locust.git@master#egg=locustio [...] Successfully installed locustio-0.8a2 对于项目...
Cloning https://github.com/yaqwsx/PcbDraw to /tmp/pip-req-build-q3znm4aj Runningcommandgit clone --filter=blob:none --quiet https://github.com/yaqwsx/PcbDraw /tmp/pip-req-build-q3znm4aj Resolved https://github.com/yaqwsx/PcbDraw to commit d2af9d44c998a3ba49c1880aa27bf4479697e5f9...
pip install from package from github, with github dependencies#3610 dneiseopened this issueApr 9, 2016· 19 comments Labels auto-lockedtype: support Comments Copy link dneisecommentedApr 9, 2016 Pip version: 8.1.1 Python version: python 3.5 (Anaconda) ...
How to install Python package from GitHub? [duplicate] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15268953/how-to-install-python-package-from-github 二、使用方法: 1. pip install git+git://github.com/jkbr/httpie.git 2. pip install git+https://github.com/jkbr/httpie.git 分类: Linux 好文要顶 ...
When it comes to packages probably every Python developer thinks ofpypi. This is the most common way of distribution them in the ecosystem. But there are several cases where packages are in a progress or pre alpha state in which a package maintainer considers a release is too early. Or in...
To install a package from VCS, you need to switch to the Terminal window and execute the following command for the target Python interpreter: pip install git+https://github.com/<rest of the address>. See Installing Python packages from VCS for more details. Type the name of the package to...
--py_modules 需要打包的python文件列表 --download_url 程序的下载地址 --cmdclass --data_files 打包时需要打包的数据文件,如图片,配置文件等 --scripts 安装时需要执行的脚步列表 --package_dir 告诉setuptools哪些目录下的文件被映射到哪个源码包。一个例子:package_dir = {'': 'lib'},表示“root package”...
fromlist (Optional): 被导入的 submodule 名称 level (Optional): 导入路径选项,Python 2 中默认为 -1,表示同时支持 absolute import 和 relative import。Python 3 中默认为 0,表示仅支持 absolute import。如果大于 0,则表示相对导入的父目录的级数,即 1 类似于 '.',2 类似于 '..'。
Install the NVIDIA driver version 470.63.01 from the NVIDIA Unix drivers page at: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/179599/en-us The installation package should download to your local user's Downloads folder. Go to the download location and install ...
package_data={# Optional 包数据"sample": ["package_data.dat"], }, data_files=[("my_data", ["data/data_file"])], entry_points={# Optional"console_scripts": ["sample=sample:main", ], }, project_urls={# Optional 和项目相关的 其他网页连接资源"Bug Reports":"https://github.com/pyp...