sudo yum install php-gd 对于Windows系统,需要找到与PHP版本相对应的GD扩展DLL文件(通常是php_gd2.dll),并将其放置在PHP的ext目录中。 安装GD扩展: 对于Linux系统,上述apt-get或yum命令将自动处理GD扩展的安装。安装完成后,需要重启Web服务器(如Apache或Nginx)以使更改生效。 对于Windows系统,将GD扩展DLL文件...
A“LAMP” stack is a group of open source software that is typically installed together in order to enable a server to host dynamic websites and web apps written in PHP. This term is an acronym which represents theLinux operating system with theApache web server. The site data is...
Installed: php-common-5.4.13-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (installed) php(zend-abi) = 20100525-x86-64 Available: php-common-5.4.10-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (mt_dv_extras) php(zend-abi) = 20100525-x86-64 Available: php-common-5.4.11-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (mt_dv_extras) php(zend-abi) = 2010052...
The last component you will need to run WordPress is PHP. The WordPress application is PHP-based and supports the latest versions of PHP. Run the commands below to install PHP. sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-intl php-mysql php-curl php-cli php-zip php-xml php-gd php-comm...
sudoaptinstallphp php-{fpm,mbstring,bcmath,xml,mysql,common,gd,cli,curl,zip} Also, enable PHP fpm to start with FPM, if not already: sudosystemctlenablephp8.1-fpm --now 4. Install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 24.04 or 22.04 Well,one way to install phpMyAdmin is to use the APT package manager ...
yum install php-gd安装php gd库报错Error: php56w-common conflicts with php-common-5.3.3-48.el6_8.x86_64大概的意思是错误:php56w-common与php-common-5.3.3-48.el6_8.x86_
# in httpd.conf tp prevent the default PHP installation from loading cd/private/etc/apache2 bbedit httpd.conf # Download and install a compiled version of PHP + GD cd/usr/local sudocurl-O ...
linuxphpinstallgd-创新互联 下载必要资源 创新互联始终坚持【策划先行,效果至上】的经营理念,通过多达10多年累计超上千家客户的网站建设总结了一套系统有效的全网营销解决方案,现已广泛运用于各行各业的客户,其中包括:展览展示等企业,备受客户赞许。 首先下载下列的源码包...
Install GD Library for PHP on Linux Answer: To install GD Library for PHP on Linux 1. Fedora/CentOS # yum install php-gd Then restart Apache #