I ran into this issue as well when trying to manually setup drupal, apache, mysql and php on windows, even after uncommenting extension=php_gd2.dll, extension=php_mbstring.dll and extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll from the Dynamic Extensions section In order to fix this, I had to change the e...
如果 gd 是 rpm 安装的, 那就直接 --with-gd 如果 gd 是编译安装的, 那么 --with-gd=/usr/local/gd 后面接 gd 的安装路径, 能看懂吧??
Giesecke &Devrient
请保证安装了gd和gd-devel 相关的RPM包,否则将会编译失败
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-mcrypt, --enable-gd-native-ttf,php7.2不支持--with-mcrypt,--enable-gd-native-ttf,把这两个选项删除掉。
In PHP you can manipulate image files using GD library. It support several formats including GIF, PNG, JPEG, etc. You can use LibGD library to stream images directly from your application to the browser. This tutorial explains how to enable GD functional
when i tried to install GD extension using docker-php-ext-install gd command the process stopped because docker-php-ext-enable gd couldn't create ini file in the following directory /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-gd.ini so afte...
extension=soap.so Then I restarted the server by running $ service httpd restart But SOAP is still not enabled.I get theFatal error: Class 'SoapClient'message. If I try to install it again, I get following message: Package php-soap-5.3.3-27.el6_5.x86_64 already installed and latest ...
uncommenting extension=php_openssl.dllandextension_dir = "ext"inphp.ini` in all my wamp and stand-alone php folders. I even did that to the phpforApache files. making composer use both my stand-alone php AND wamp php (both ver 7.0) ...
3、1启用PHP参数–enable-gd-jis-conv,测试结果如下: Firefox浏览器附加web调试工具firebug #提示:从图中输出的结果,我们可以得知服务器端是支持中文字符集,问题发生在GD函数p_w_picpathfttext()将文本信息写入图片时,发生了乱码的情况,附加测试图片如下: ...