Langchain + Docker + Neo4j + Ollama. Contribute to gnkadimeng/genai-stack development by creating an account on GitHub.
YAML configuration has been written to /Users/<your_name>/.llama/distributions/ollama/config.yaml Distributionollama(with spec local-ollama) has been installed successfully! Launch the ollama distribution by running: llama distribution start --name ollama --port 5000 Finally on another Terminal, ...
背景 当时心血来潮要在linux搞oracle,可一顿折腾,大约两个周时间,主要是各种环境的检测麻烦,在redhat上操作也不如centos有利。 命令 yum install oracle-validated
While Linux is known to be one of the more secure operating systems, that doesn’t mean it is impenetrable to virus attacks. Onestudy has shown that36%of total top malware cases in Q1 2017 were reported on Linux systems. What’s worse, is that these numbers are not going down. It als...
Linux-yum install安装软件失败解决方法:安装EPEL源 step1:安装EPEL源:yum install epel-release step2:安装软件:yum install 软件包名 EPEL 是Fedora 为 CentOS提供软件包的项目。有它可安装很多以前需要编译安装的软件、常用的软件或一些比较流行的软件。
Suricata installation also requires root or superuser privileges to runLinux commands. To avoid permission issues and ensure a smooth command-line installation process, choose a VPS hosting provider with full server access, like Hostinger. Aside from extensive compatibility, thebest VPS hosting providers...
As perdocumentation, LibreChat can also integrate with Ollama. This means that ifyou have Ollama installed on your system, you can run local LLMs in LibreChat. Perhaps we'll have a dedicated tutorial on integrating LibreChat and Ollama in the future. ...
To install a printer driver on a live Windows computer, you need the good old driver installation utilitypnputil.exe. You don't have to provide the driver name becausePnPUtilautomatically gets the name from the INF file. The tool can also install all the INF files in a folder. ...
ArchBang brings a good Arch Linux experience coupled with a not-so-hard installer and i3WM as the window manager. I understand that using a text-based installer like this one could be intimidating for some users. But then, it isone of the joys of the Arch Linuxdomain. It feels like a...
You need to run `ollama run llama2` first.If you have a Mac, go to Docker Desktop > Settings > General and check that the “file sharing implementation” is set to VirtioFS. If you are a developer, you can run the project in development mode with the following command: docker compose...