新开一个 git bash,敲一下 zsh ,回车!!! 熟悉的zsh默认主题回来了,没错,要的就是这个感觉。 配置Oh My Zsh 这个差点漏了,一键式安装,传送门:https://ohmyz.sh/#install sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)" 配置默认启动 zsh 修改~/.bashrc,...
Installing Zsh on Windows (WSL) Configuring Zsh as Default Shell Installing Oh My Zsh on Windows and Ubuntu Customizing Your Oh My Zsh Theme Extending Features and Functionality with Plugins Conclusion Have you ever wished you could customize your terminal and make it more efficient as a work env...
进入终端环境之后,你就可以根据自己的喜好和需要安装所需的各种开发工具了,比如安装 zsh、jq、fzf 等各种常用的工具。 sudoapt-get install-ybuild-essentialzshfonts-powerline fzf jqgit sh-c"$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools...
DEBUG Configuration: Config { opt: CommandLineArgs { edit_config: false, show_config_reference: false, run_in_tmux: false, cleanup: false, dry_run: false, no_retry: false, disable: [], only: [Wsl], custom_commands: [], env: [], verbose: true, keep_at_end: false, skip_notify: ...
Please note that I'm using zsh (oh-my-zsh config) + anaconda for env (if this matters). ppaanngggg commentedon Oct 14, 2021 ppaannggggon Oct 14, 2021 This is not due to a slow network issue. It takes 5-10 minutes to get past something, then the installations continue at a nor...
oh-my-zsh.sh init: define $ZSH if not defined 4年前 README MIT Getting Started Prerequisites Basic Installation Manual inspection Using Oh My Zsh Plugins Enabling Plugins Using Plugins Themes Selecting a Theme FAQ Advanced Topics Advanced Installation ...
For Bash, you’ll need to install a shell-likezshorfishshell. These add some features and custom highlighting to the terminal, but can be a little tough to use on their own. It’s recommended that you also install a framework for zsh likeohmyzsh, which will make using it a lot easie...
在前后命令之间切换,而 zsh 可以根据历史命令进行自动补全推荐从而突破这一限制。...update \ && apt install -y sudo \ && useradd -m ubuntu -s /bin/bash && adduser ubuntu sudo \.../home/ubuntu # Install zsh RUN sudo apt install -y git zsh \ && git clone https://github.com/...
任何具有命令行接口的应用程序都可以在 Windows 终端中运行。 这包括从 PowerShell 和命令提示符到 Azure Cloud Shell 和任何 WSL 分发(如 Ubuntu 或 Oh-My-Zsh)的所有应用程序。 选项卡拉出(预览版) 可以在 Windows 终端中拉出选项卡并创建新窗口。
sudo apt install zsh ``` 安装好后,使用以下命令修改默认终端为 zsh ```bash chsh -s $(which zsh) ``` 修改完后重新打开一个终端,即可进入 zsh 界面 ### 安装oh-my-zsh [oh-my-zsh] 是一个用于管理 Zsh 配置的开源框架,它提供了大量的插件、主题和配置选项,以帮助用户更高效地使用 Zsh 。直接使...