master Completion Config Doc Etc Functions Misc Scripts Src StartupFiles Test Util .cvsignore .distfiles .editorconfig .gitignore .preconfig ChangeLog FEATURES INSTALL LICENCE MACHINES NEWS README aclocal.m4 aczsh.m4 config.guess
echo "${BLUE}Cloning Oh My Zsh...${RESET}" command_exists git || { fmt_error "git is not installed" exit 1 } ostype=$(uname) if [ -z "${ostype%CYGWIN*}" ] && git --version | grep -q msysgit; then fmt_error "Windows/MSYS Git is not supported on Cygwin" fmt...
之后新建 git bash 都会是zsh了。 插件篇 zsh-autosuggestions fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh.zsh 上一个快速的顺眼的自动建议插件(实际上就是将历史命令呈现出来)传送门: 安装: cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins git clone
Windows Terminal 默认会自动为 Powershell、命令行和已安装的 WSL 发行版创建配置文件,点击标题栏中向下的箭头就可以选择打开: 进入终端环境之后,你就可以根据自己的喜好和需要安装所需的各种开发工具了,比如安装 zsh、jq、fzf 等各种常用的工具。 sudoapt-get install-ybuild...
/bin/zsh sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" sudo easy_install pip pip install powerline-s...
sh -c "$(wget -O-" ``` ## DIY ### 字体库 配置主题时,最常见的问题就是爆出奇奇怪怪的字符,其原因就是没有安对字体。注意,这里的字体是要安装到**终端所在的环境,而不是运行的环境**,比如你用 Windows Terminal 连 ssh,那你...
Installing Zsh on Ubuntu Installing Zsh on Windows (WSL) Configuring Zsh as Default Shell Installing Oh My Zsh on Windows and Ubuntu Customizing Your Oh My Zsh Theme Extending Features and Functionality with Plugins Conclusion Have you ever wished you could customize your terminal and make it more...
Install Oh My Zsh on Mac Time needed:4 minutes Open theTerminalon your Mac by going toLaunchpadand typingTerminal. Paste the following command to install Oh My Zsh:sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" ...
Terminal: The Windows Terminal application. Console: Any console host application that is not the Windows Terminal. Shell: The program between the terminal and the operating system. (pwsh, cmd, zsh, etc.) Install Windows Terminal There are a few different ways to install Windows Terminal, but ...
2.以(LUKS)全盘加密的方式安装Arch Linux 3.i3wm + Polybar 3.1 开启archlinuxcn 3.2 安装字体 3.3 安装i3wm + Polybar 3.4 配置i3wm 3.5 配置polybar 3.6 启动i3wm 3.7 zsh与插件GRUB BIOS 模式启动 i3wm + LUKS 1.Arch Linux 基础安装 1.1 判断BIOS、UEFI模式启动 最直接的就直接用眼去看,U盘启动界面...