Install oh-my-zsh viacurl: bash sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" We continue with wget: bash [foc@rocky9]~% sh -c "$(wget -O -)" --2022-10-31 22:22:13...
sh -c"$(curl -fsSL" [If you have a specific solution in mind, describe it here. If not, you can skip this section.] Alternatives You can also view here for implemention
$ sh -c "$(wget -O -)" Installation of Oh-My-Zsh in Ubuntu Once you InstallOH-MY-ZSH, it will take a backup of your existing.zhrcfile. Then a new.zshrcfile will be created with configurations. So whenever you decid...
2.以(LUKS)全盘加密的方式安装Arch Linux 3.i3wm + Polybar 3.1 开启archlinuxcn 3.2 安装字体 3.3 安装i3wm + Polybar 3.4 配置i3wm 3.5 配置polybar 3.6 启动i3wm 3.7 zsh与插件GRUB BIOS 模式启动 i3wm + LUKS 1.Arch Linux 基础安装 1.1 判断BIOS、UEFI模式启动 最直接的就直接用眼去看,U盘启动界面...
GitHub地址: zip直接下载链接: 配置 下载安装包后解压,随后整个文件夹拖进linux的主目录(Home)下。 如果不确定主目录,在$状态下数据pwd可得知自己的主目录。
sudo pacman -S manjaro-zsh-config #manjaro的zsh配置文档 cp /etc/skel/.zshrc ~/.zshrc #将配置文件复制到用户目录 zsh #启动zsh 1. 2. 3. 4. (2) 安装 oh-my-zsh (基于zsh命令行的一个扩展工具集) sh -c "$(wget -O-
zsh sudo pacman -S zsh zsh-completions chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh # sudo reboot sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" # Install ohmyzsh yay -S nerd-fonts-fira-code # Set this as the monospace font in System Settings yay -S zsh-them...
您将会以 root 身份登录进入一个虚拟控制台,默认的 Shell 是 Zsh。 如果要使用其他控制台(例如在安装时使用 Lynx 查看本指南),可以使用 Alt+箭头 快捷键切换不同的控制台。要编辑配置文件,可以使用 mcedit(1)、nano 和vim 等文本编辑软件。请参阅 packages.x86_64 获取安装介质中包含的软件包...
ask_yes_no "-Install zsh, oh-my-zsh & (Optional) pokemon-colorscripts?" zsh printf "\n" ask_yes_no "-Installing in a Asus ROG Laptops?" rog printf "\n" ask_yes_no "-Do you want to download pre-configured Hyprland dotfiles?" dots ...
Oh My Zsh is an amazing, open-source, community-driven framework that helps you manage Zsh configuration. It comes packed with so many helpful functions, helpers, plugins, themes, and other utilities that offer users the best shell experience out there. Although Zsh is pretty much similar to ...