This tutorial will demonstrate how you can install and configureNTP(chrony) server onRHEL-based distributionto automatically synchronize time with the closest geographical peers available for your server location by using the NTP Public Pool Time Servers list. How to Install Chrony in Linux Chronyis ...
server iburst server iburst server iburst iburst: After every poll, a burst of eight packets is sent instead of one. When the server is not responding, packets are sent 16s interval. When the server responds, packets are ...
Step 2: Install Ntpdate on Ubuntu 18.04 ntpdateis a utility/program that quickly allows a system to synchronize time and date by querying an NTP server. To installntpdaterun the command. $ sudo apt install ntpdate Install ntpdate on Ubuntu Client For the client system to resolve theNTPserv...
install latest or LTS linux kernel and enable BBR or BBR plus - trojan-go/ at master · redcats2/trojan-go
" fi # Make sure the time is set properly /usr/sbin/ntpdate-debian >> "$RUN_LOG" 2>&1 return 0 } install_with_yum() { # Enable CodeReady and EPEL on RHEL 8+ if [ "$os_major_version" -ge 8 ] && [ "$os_type" = "rhel" ]; then # Important Perl packages are now ...
1. Avviare un'istanza basata su un'immagine RHEL. Impostate i parametri di configurazione nel modo seguente: Selezionare l'origine di avvio: Immagine Creanuovo volume: No Selezionare l'immaginecorrispondente dal menuAvailable(ossia redhat-image) ...
ntpdate ||true14systemctl start ntpd &&systemctl enable ntpd1516k8s_master() {17#network_name=eth018#apiserver_id=`ifconfig ${network_name} | grep inet |grep netmask | awk'{print $2}'`19yum install kubernetes etcd flannel -y20foriin`ls /etc/kubernetes/`;docp $i $i....
baseurl=\$basearch/enabled=1gpgcheck=1gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-ZABBIX-A14FE591[zabbix-non-supported] name=Zabbix Official Repository non-supported -\$basearch baseurl=
rpm -ivh MySQL-server-community-5.0.96-1.rhel5.x86_64.rpm rpm -ivh MySQL-client-community-5.0.96-1.rhel5.x86_64.rpm tee /etc/my.cnf <<-'EOF' [client] port=3306 default-character-set=utf8 [mysqld] default-character-set=utf8 ...
(本例docker环境中不需要)# crontab -e 8 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate && /sbin/hwclock --systohcAI 代码解读2. 安装ssh server(本例docker环境中不需要,已安装)yum install -y openssh-server openssh-clientsAI 代码解读3. 创建一个ceph用户, 用于deploy节点对node节点进行管理....