Centos epel-release - Shell-Bash (1) centos show hdd (1) CentOS安装nslookup 如果你需要在你的CentOS服务器上使用nslookup命令查询域名DNS解析信息,那么你需要安装它。 安装nslookup 使用以下命令安装nslookup: sudo yum install bind-utils 使用nslookup ...
Installing dig & nslookup in CentOS/RHEL Installing dig & nslookup on Debian / Ubuntu Installing dig & nslookup on ArchLinux Using the dig command Using the nslookup Command Installing dig & nslookup in CentOS/RHEL OnRed Hat Linux /CentOS, installdigandnslookupusing thednf command. # dnf i...
nslookup domain-controller-fqdn ping domain-controller-fqdn nslookup delivery-controller-fqdn ping delivery-controller-fqdn <!--NeedCopy--> If you cannot resolve the FQDN or ping either of these machines, review the steps before proceeding. Step 1g: Configure clock synchronization (chrony) Maintaini...
for HOST in $IP;do sshpass -e ssh-copy-id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $HOST done 1.14.添加启用源 (lb除外) #为 RHEL-8或 CentOS-8配置源 yum install https://www.elrepo.org/elrepo-release-8.el8.elrepo.noarch.rpm -y sed -i "s@mirrorlist@#mirrorlist@g" /etc/yum.repos.d/elrepo....
named-checkzone 31.172.in-addr.arpa /etc/named/zones/db.172.31 5. 启动bind systemctl start named systemctl enable named 6. 配置 client vi /etc/resolv.conf 7。 测试 client nslookup dig 8。 添加新的记录后要重新载入 systemctl reload named ...
# 查看name kubectl get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 17h # 进行解析 kubectl exec busybox -n default -- nslookup kubernetes 3Server: Address 1: kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster...
Look at the CN name returned and see if it matches what a nslookup returns for the system from the SCOM server. If it does not then this is your problem. You can either fix the DNS entry or if you want to rename the name in the certificate to match what is in DNS run the follow...
zone surmount.net/IN: loaded serial 20110308 OK 复制代码 利用nslookup测试:也可以在客户端解析,但需要将客户端的DNS服务器配置为邮件服务器的IP: [root@zimbra ~]# nslookup > server Default server: Address: > zimbra.surmount.net ...
Log into your CentOS 8 server. Create the directory that the application is stored in: sudo mkdir /opt/myapp/ Create the app.py program file inside this directory with the text editor of your choice. You need to use sudo with your text editor to create the file. For example, to creat...
When using Ubuntu or Debian, you may have to specify the video player to open the stream in. For example, to open your stream using VLC, issue the following command: streamlink -p vlc twitch.tv/linode This selects VLC as the desired media player. This works across most supported streaming...