本文将介绍如何在Linux系统中使用cnpm工具来安装npm包。 首先,打开终端,输入以下命令来安装cnpm工具: ``` npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org ``` 这条命令中的`-g`参数表示全局安装cnpm工具,`--registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org`参数表示使用淘宝镜像源来下载npm包,速...
npm config set registry https://registry.npmmirror.com 检查是否设置成功: npm config get registry 再进行安装: npm install pm2 -g 参考安装pm2
首先,可以尝试清除npm缓存,命令为“npm cache clean --force”,然后再次安装包。此外,还可以尝试使用淘宝镜像源来安装npm包,命令为“npm install --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org”。 若清除缓存和更换镜像源都无法解决问题,可以尝试升级npm和node.js的版本,或者检查系统环境变量和npm配置是否正确。另外...
Using a Node installer to install Node.js and npmIf you are unable to use a Node version manager, you can use a Node installer to install both Node.js and npm on your system.Node.js installer NodeSource installer. If you use Linux, we recommend that you use a NodeSource installer....
For REHL, CentOS, AlmaLinux, and Rocky Linux, first, enable EPEL with the commandsudo dnf install epel-release.Then, run the commandsudo dnf install nodejs npm. On Fedora, use:sudo dnf install nodejs npm If you want to see if Node is installed properly, you can run the commandnode -...
1、npm install 会先查找本地已经下载过的包,不论版本是多少,找到了就不会去下载,所以如果要升级依赖,可以使用npm update或者显示安装npm install cross-env --save 2、npm install 会先下载项目中的依赖包,然后下载依赖的依赖,这样就会导致,生成的文件是树形结构,并且存在许多重复的包,所以这个时候npm就会将依赖...
To install the Node.js and NPM on Debian 12, run the “sudo apt install nodejs npm -y” command in the terminal from the default repository.
Installing NPM aka node package manager is quite easy in Ubuntu. Here's how to install npm and use it in Ubuntu Linux.Jan 7, 2023 — Sagar Sharma Install NPM on Ubuntu NPM is nothing but a package manager for the Noje.js projects that lets you install and manage them on your ...
前端项目需要进行CI/CD集成,CI服务器是linux的,所以需要在服务器上安装npm环境,记录一下安装过程以及碰到的坑。安装很简单,直接下载官网的linux二进制包,并将bin目录设置在环境变量中就ok了,执行 [root@localhost dist]# npm -version 6.4.1 说明安装成功了,接下来在执行项目的初始化(基于vue-cli)npm install时...
node-pre-gyp WARN Tried to download(404): https://journeyapps-node-binary.s3.amazonaws.com/@journeyapps/sqlcipher/v5.1.0/napi-v6-linux-arm64.tar.gz node-pre-gyp WARN Pre-built binaries not found for @journeyapps/sqlcipher@5.1.0 and elect...