Node.js 在 Ubuntu 20.04 上安装较为简单 确保您的系统已安装了 Node.js。然后,您可以使用以下命令安装 Node.js: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nodejs 安装成功后,您可以通过以下命令检查 Node.js 的版本: node -v 如果您的 Node.js 版本低于 16.13.1,则可以通过以下命令升级: ...
1. 确保系统更新至最新版本 首先,我们需要确保您的Ubuntu 20.04系统已更新至最新版本。可以使用以下命令完成更新: $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade 2. 安装Node.js所需的依赖包 接下来,我们需要安装Node.js所需的依赖包。可以使用以下命令来安装: $ sudo apt install -y curl 安装完成后,我们可以使用以...
To install a different version of Node.js, you can use aPPA(personal package archive) maintained by NodeSource. These PPAs have more versions of Node.js available than the official Ubuntu repositories. Node.js v16 and v18 are available as of the time of writing. First, install the PPA to ...
curl -sL | sudo -E bash - Sample Output Great! In our next step, we are going to run the command for installing NodeJS. Step 2: Install NodeJS on Ubuntu After successfully adding the NodeJS PPA, It’s time now to install NodeJS using the c...
$ node-v v11.8.0 binary archive install node 先从官网下载最新的安装包,当前 Node 最新版本为 v11.8.0 node tar.xz 文件位置打开终端,如下 $ ls node-v11.8.0-linux-x64.tar.xz 分别在终端中执行如下命令, 先设置对应的变量,然后将二进制存档文件解压到/usr/local/lib/nodejs目录 ...
Issue Description I am trying to update to NodeJS 20 on macOS Sonoma 14.3 I have a NodeJS installation managed with nvm rm -rf ~/.npm/_cacache/; nvm install 20.11.0; nvm use 20.11.0; npm i -g npm@10.4.0; npm i -g nativescript results in ...
Step 2. Install Nodejs and NPM Vue CLI comes as an NPM package. The first thing you need to make sure of is that Node.js and NPM are available on your system. By default, the latest version of Node.js is not available in the Ubuntu 20.04 default repository. So you will need to ...
1.install nodejs $sudoapt-get update $sudoapt-getinstallnodejs Because of a conflict with another package, the executable from the Ubuntu repositories is callednodejsinstead ofnode. Keep this in mind as you are running software. 2.install npm ...
Installs n, the Node.js version manager, without needing to install Node.js first: curl -L | bash - mklement0/n-install
# install node v20.x curl --location "" | sudo bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm install --global yarn Visit the official websites for node and yarn if you have any trouble with these steps. 6. System users Create a git user for Gi...