$ nodejs-v v8.10.0$ npm-v3.5.2 默认使用 apt 安装的 node 和 npm 版本可能比较老,需要更新一下对应的版本 npm 更新 sudo npm i -g npm 重新打开终端,查看 npm 版本,如下版本已经是最新 $ npm-v6.7.0 node 更新 先安装 n 模块 sudo npm install -g n $ sudo npm install-g n/usr/local/bin...
为Node创建一个符号链接,许多Node.js工具将使用这个链接来执行。 $sudoln-s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node 至此,以下Node命令和npm命令就可以执行了。 $node -v v0.10.25$npm -v1.3.10 通过Node.js相关人员提供的安装包安装### 以下过程在此处也有说明。 通过以下命令将Node.js维护的安装源添加入Ubuntu...
This command not only installs NodeJS but alsoNPM(NodeJS Package Manager) and other dependencies as well. Step 3: Verfiying the version of NodeJS and NPM After successful installation of NodeJS, you can test the version of NodeJS using the simple command below. node -v Sample Output For ...
1.install nodejs $sudoapt-get update $sudoapt-getinstallnodejs Because of a conflict with another package, the executable from the Ubuntu repositories is callednodejsinstead ofnode. Keep this in mind as you are running software. 2.install npm $sudoapt-getinstallnpm 3.SecureCRT connect local ...
At this point you have successfully installed Node.js andnpmusingaptand the default Ubuntu software repositories. The next section will show how to use an alternate repository to install different versions of Node.js. Option 2 — Installing Node.js with Apt Using a NodeSource PPA ...
$ sudo npm install express 安装完成后,我们就可以开始编写和运行Node.js应用了。在编写过程中,如果遇到问题,可以查阅Node.js官方文档或相关教程来解决。 4. 总结 总之,通过以上步骤,我们成功地使用了Node.js在Ubuntu 20.04上进行了安装。安装过程简单易懂,即使没有任何编程经验的人也可以轻松完成。接下来,您可以...
验证Node.js的安装和版本: 安装完成后,你可以通过以下命令来验证Node.js是否成功安装以及其版本: bash node -v npm -v 这两条命令将分别输出Node.js和npm(Node Package Manager)的版本号,如果输出的是18.9版本的相关信息,则说明安装成功。 按照以上步骤操作,你应该能够在Ubuntu上成功安装Node.js 18.9版本。如...
Install node.js and npm on Ubuntu 20, Debian 10 Log in to the server and then run the following command on the server and wait for the installation process to complete: apt install nodejsnpm Note:Note that, you can download and install new versions of Node.js and NPM using the given ...
Installing NPM aka node package manager is quite easy in Ubuntu. Here's how to install npm and use it in Ubuntu Linux.Jan 7, 2023 — Sagar Sharma Install NPM on Ubuntu NPM is nothing but a package manager for the Noje.js projects that lets you install and manage them on your ...
We will install the latest version of Node Js and NPM in Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOS, Manjaro and run the first application in Linux.