pnpm version: 8.6.11 Code to reproduce the issue: .npmrc use-node-version=16 Then any PNPM command. Produces: Fetching Node.js 16 ... WARN GET error (ERR_PNPM_FETCH_404...
I've opened a support ticket before filing this issue. Issue Steps to Reproduce Install node version 16.14.1. Then, install truffle using 'npm install -g truffle'. Expected Behavior Succesffully install truffle Environment Operating Syst...
sudo tail /etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin no PasswordAuthentication no Install node.js 14 & yarn sudo dnf module install nodejs:14 curl -sL | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo sudo yum install yarn Posted...
nvm install latest // 安装最新版本node 注:当运行nvm install命令时,若出现权限问题,可以使用管理员身份运行cmd nvm use nvm use 版本号使用指定版本的node nvm use 12.122.0 // 使用12.22.0版本node 注:当我们要使用npm时,需要先指定node版本,即先运行nvm use命令,再使用npm命令 nvm uninstall nvm uninstall...
We’re running Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager OSS 3.27.0-03. We’ve been using it great foryearswith our dev machines using node 10.22, npm 6.x. We recently upgraded our dev envs to node 16.15, npm 8.5.5. Many packages work fine, but a couple will give us this issue where npm ...
Install node to node_modules $ nodeinstall 6.0.0 $ ./node_modules/.bin/node -v You can use semver range to match the real version $ nodeinstall ^6.0.0 $ ./node_modules/.bin/node -v You can also use nodeinstall to installAlinodeorNSolid ...
在Remote模式下编译或烧录时,未检测到Node.js,则会出现以下“Please install ‘node’first”的报错信息。 解决措施 在Ubuntu环境的用户目录下,执行以下命令,打开.bashrc文件。 vim ~/.bashrc 在.bashrc文件找到设置node环境变量的语句,如下图所示,将该语句先复制,然后再注释该语句。
执行node --version指令,本机node版本为v16.13.0 查看项目的package.json,devDependencies中node-sass版本是4.12.0 根据上面的表格,确实存在不匹配。 一些尝试,最后通过办法4解决 尝试办法①——修改node-sass的版本 根据上表, npm i node-sass@6.0.1
Context: We’re upgrading from Node 14(NPM6) to Node 16(NPM8) which also means upgrading our CI setup from Fermium to Gallium. This setup fully worked on Node14(NPM6). Upon updating our .gitlab-ci.yml, one of our pri…
node --version npm --version Running Node.js Apps This part of the guide describes the installation of Node.js and NPM on the server. Naturally, you would like to use them with an actual application. First of all, it is required to upload the application files. ...