Software NameNICE DCV Client (23.1.8934.0) Version23.1.8934.0 PlatformWindows VendorNICE DCV Client Architecture32-bit Download Pathnice-dcv-client-Release-2023.1-8934.msi Silent Installation SwitchNice-dcv-client-Release-2023.1-8934.msi /qn /norestart ...
(Optional) To use the web client with Amazon DCV version 2021.2 and later, install thenice-dcv-web-viewerpackage. 64-bit x86 $sudo yum install nice-dcv-web-viewer-2024.0.18131-1.el7.x86_64.rpm 64-bit ARM $sudo yum install nice-dcv-web-viewer-2024.0.18131-1.el7.aarch64.rpm ...
Install the Amazon DCV Server on Linux Install Amazon DCV server, import GPG key, download packages, install USB drivers, DKMS, pulseaudio-utils, nice-dcv-web-viewer February 1, 2025 Next topic:Installing on Windows Previous topic:Setting up the Amazon DCV server Need help? Try AWS re:Post ...
With NICE DCV, you can make a server's high-performance graphics processing capabilities available to multiple remote users by creating secure client sessions. NICE DCV Session Manager is set of two software packages (an Agent and a Broker) and an application programming interface (API) that ...
1870 silly saveTree | | -- batch@0.6.1 1870 silly saveTree | +-- sockjs-client@1.1.4 1870 silly saveTree | | +-- eventsource@0.1.6 1870 silly saveTree | | | -- original@1.0.2 1870 silly saveTree | | | -- url-parse@1.4.4 1870 silly saveTree | | | -- querystringify@2.1...
Move the dcv-access-console.conf file created by the Setup Wizard to the host. Install the Web Client component. $ sudo yum install -y nice-dcv-access-console-webclient*.rpm Move the two .properties files to /etc/dcv-access-console-webclient/ and overwrite the existing files. $ sudo mv ...
Amazon DCV 服务器仅提供 64 位版本,并在 64 位 Windows 操作系统上支持 Amazon DCV 服务器。 打开命令提示符窗口,导航到下载安装程序的文件夹。 运行无人值守安装程序,如以下示例之一所示: 安装默认组件: C:\> msiexec.exe /i nice-dcv-server-x64-Release-2024.0-version_number.msi /quiet /norestart /l...