vmstat`├── timeseries│ ├── table-sizes.stat - stat table containing controller table sizes│ ├── events.csv - events table dump in csv│ ├── events.sql - events table schema│ ├── metrics_1day.csv - metrics_1day table dump in csv│ ├── metrics_1day.sql - metrics...
4. Apply the ingressNGINXcontroller with the following command: kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/main/deploy/static/provider/kind/deploy.yaml The command creates multipleKubernetes objects. In this configuration, ingress works as the cluster's reverse proxy ...
docker.io/rancher/nginx-ingress-controller:nginx-1.9.3-hardened1 application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json sha256:bfd22a6fb7a6614c2c1c6efd645af9dac02c8a2eefeed8cefce9aaaf7dffeac8 763.1 MiB linux/amd64 io.cri-containerd.image=managed docker.io/rancher/pause:3.6 application/vnd.docker...
kubectl delete deployment.apps/nginx-ingress-controller -n ingress-nginx ingress-nginx 在kubernetes中实现了传统nginx的url区分,同时又实现了动态更新配置的功能 可以到https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/tree/nginx-0.20.0/deploy,下载相应的安装包,使用kubectl apply -f 加载相关模块 1 forfileinconfig...
Informazioni su come usare lo strumento di creazione pacchetti Helm per distribuire contenitori in un cluster servizio Azure Kubernetes del servizio Azure Kubernetes
该配置部署的目的主要完成 nginx部署,为了其他节点拉取各类文件、工具包;并且完成镜像推送入库步骤。 cd /root/kubernetes-offline/kubespray-offline-2.23.0-0/outputs 1. 13.1 配置 config.sh 修改KUBESPRAY_VERSION:-2.22.1,并且添加LOCAL_REGISTRY='registry.demo:35000'。 $ cat config.sh #!/bin/bash KUBESPR...
Configure the TCP proxy for the VCS Ingress, namely, configure the Ingress Controller map. If you use Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller, follow this guide. Verify that all Space domain names resolve to the Ingress load balancer: nslookup portal.space.local nslookup packages.space.local nslookup...
Installing ingress-nginx plugin with krew failed with an error download https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/download/controller-0.31.0/kubectl-ingress_nginx-linux-amd64.tar.gz 404. I tried my best on the search engines, but couldn't find any relevant information. 👍 8 Contr...
Thank you for using nginx. 验证集群外部访问 代码语言:txt 复制 [root@master01 tools]# kubectl get svc -o wide NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE SELECTOR kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 46h <none> nginx-demo-external NodePort <none> 80:31298...
ingressingress nginx controller1.9.5 ingresstraefik2.10.7 monitorkube_prometheus0.13.0 logelasticsearch8.11.3 storagerook1.13.1 storagelonghorn1.5.3 uikubernetes_dashboard2.7.0 uikubesphere3.3.0 除kube组件版本可以通过参数(--version) 指定外,其他的软件版本需在脚本中指定。