- name: ensure nginx is not installed apt: name=nginx state=absent Settingstate=absentand running the playbook reportedchanged=1but the web server was still installed and running. In order to fix that, first we need to stop the nginx service. That's what you see in the above playbook. C...
Creating an EC2 instance Create an EC2 instance with Ubuntu 18 ami-085925f297f89fce1 (64-bit x86) - initially, t3.micro (2 vCPU, 1GB Memory) but we may need to upgrade depending on app requirements). SSH into the instance: $ssh -i my.pem ubuntu@ to Ubuntu 18.04....
ssh to EC2 k@laptop:~$ ssh -i ~/Downloads/DockerOnEC2.pem ubuntu@ec2-54-86-170-149.compute-1.amazonaws.com The authenticity of host 'ec2-54-86-170-149.compute-1.amazonaws.com (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is 0b:1c:d7:50:39:46:a8:95:f9:fc:...
On AWS EC2 instances, we also attempt to fetch the public hostname/IP ##! address from AWS. For more details, see: ##! https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instancedata-data-retrieval.html external_url 'https://your_domain' ... Next, find theletsencrypt['contact_email...
Install NGINX. $ sudo yum install -y nginx Move the dcv-access-console.conf file to /etc/nginx/conf.d/dcv-access-console.conf. $ sudo mv dcv-access-console.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/dcv-access-console.conf Change the permissions to match the default NGINX configuration file. $ sudo chmod...
这里使用 amazn2 虚拟机镜像安装,根据官网文档,需要预先配置一个 seed.iso 文件 参考文档:https://docs.aws.amazon.com/zh_cn/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/amazon-linux-2-virtual-machine.html 其他镜像下载:https://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/obtain-images.html 脚本 $ cat vm01.sh #!/bin/bash seed...
Install on AWS From the Launch Instance menu of the EC2 dasboard, search forOpen VPN Access ServerfromAWS Marketplaceand launch the instance in the public subnet of VPC. Make sure the security group associated with this instance has ports 22 (SSH), 443 (SSL), 943 (Admin Web UI), and ...
We needed to setup an AWS EC2 instance for a WordPress deployment. Using SpinupWP was quick and easy. It saved us hours of configuring Ubuntu, Nginx and caching. What we ended up with was a solid WP installation that excels at speed tests and keeps getting updates and daily backups all...
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kube-system pod/helm-install-rke2-ingress-nginx-bcgl9 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 25s kube-system pod/helm-install-rke2-metrics-server-g5np5 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 25s kube-system pod/helm-install-rke2-snapshot-controller-crd-cwl6r 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 25s ...