如果您在 Ubuntu 系统中安装了多个版本的 Python,并且只想将一个版本设置为默认版本,那么您需要执行一些额外的步骤,如图所示。 $ python3 --version $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.10 1 $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /us...
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python3.7 sudo make sudo make install 接下来创建软连接,注意:软连接的源文件是安装目录下的bin文件下的python3.7 sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.7 /usr/bin/python sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.7/bin/pip3.7 /usr/bin/pip3.7...
ubuntu 22.04默认是python 3.10,由于开发之前的代码代码导入包还是包里之前的版本,所以有import module not exist不匹配的问题,所以需要安装Python 3.8, sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install software-properties-common -y sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y sudo apt install python3...
最终确认选择“Ubuntu16.04(64 bit)+ Python3.5 + Qt5.7.0 + SIP4.18.1 + PyQt5.7 + QScintilla2.9.2 + Eric6.0 ” 首先Ubuntu16.04是默认安装了python2.7和python3.5的,因此python这部分就可以不需要安装了。因为涉及GUI的开发,所以要准备pyqt的环境等东西。查看系统python版本: python python3 python3.5 1. ...
/usr/bin/install -c python /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/install: 无法删除"/usr/bin/python2.7": 权限不够 make: *** [altbininstall] 错误 1 ubuntu安装新python不要卸载旧版本的python,因为系统很多软件都依赖它。 我想原因应该是python2.7.3和Python2.7.5都已2.7开头,不能共存。
首先需要说明,Ubuntu自带的Python版本一定不要删除,删除后会导致桌面崩溃,可以参考这篇文章:Ubuntu 16.04 卸载自带 Python3 引发的惨案,顺带一提,里面后面的安装方法和本文将要提到的完全一致,只是版本不同,另外前文里面对桌面崩溃的处理办法是重装系统,但是还有不用重装系统的办法,参开这篇文章:报告老师,这个坑好大...
Finalize Python 3.10 Installation After you’ve imported the Python PPA and updated your APT sources list, install Python 3.10 on your Ubuntu system. This section will guide you through the installation process and help you verify the installed version of Python 3.10. Additionally, we’ll discuss...
Once the repository is enabled, install Python 3.7 with: sudo apt install python3.7 Copy At this point, Python 3.7 is installed on your Ubuntu system and ready to be used. You can verify it by typing: python3.7 --version Copy Python 3.7.3...
Ubuntu22 is still a few months away, and the Python version that comes with it will be 3.10, but I want to use it on Ubuntu20.04 too! The Python version that comes with Ubuntu20.04 is 3.8. If you want to install python3.9, you can use this command:sudo apt install python3.9 ...
python --version If Python 2 is installed, you will see the version information. However, note that Python 2 is no longer supported, and it is recommended to use Python 3 for all new projects. These commands will help you determine whether Python is already installed on your Ubuntu system ...