I had this issue because I used the Neovim "Windows (PowerShell)" install from https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug#windows-powershell-1 instead of the Vim one. Running the right install solved it. 🎉 1 skorokithakis commented Dec 11, 2021 I'm having the same issue on Linux with...
Version: Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.36.32537 for x64-OK Neovim was compiled with tree-sitter runtime ABI version 14 (required >=13). Parsers must be compatible with runtime ABI. OS Info: { machine = "x86_64", release = "10.0.19045", sysname = "Windows_NT"...
```powershell C:\Path\To\w_openvino_toolkit_windows_2023.0.0.10926.b4452d56304_x86_64\setupvars.bat ``` And then build the project using cmake: ```bash cmake -B build -DWHISPER_OPENVINO=1 cmake --build build -j --config Release ``` - Run the examples as usual. For example: ...
```powershell C:\Path\To\w_openvino_toolkit_windows_2023.0.0.10926.b4452d56304_x86_64\setupvars.bat ``` And then build the project using cmake: ```bash cmake -B build -DWHISPER_OPENVINO=1 cmake --build build -j --config Release ``` - Run the examples as usual. For example: ...
```powershell C:\Path\To\w_openvino_toolkit_windows_2023.0.0.10926.b4452d56304_x86_64\setupvars.bat ``` And then build the project using cmake: ```bash cmake -B build -DWHISPER_OPENVINO=1 cmake --build build -j --config Release ``` - Run the examples as usual. For example: ...