在Ubuntu系统上使用apt install mysql-server-5.7命令安装MySQL 5.7时,可能会遇到一些问题,特别是随着Ubuntu版本的更新,默认的MySQL版本可能已经不再是5.7,而是更高版本(如8.0或MariaDB)。以下是一些详细的步骤和注意事项,帮助你成功安装MySQL 5.7: 1. 更新软件包列表 首先,确保你的软件包列表是最新的。打开终端,输入...
安装ubuntu自带的mysql-server: sudo apt-get install mysql-server 输出Y按回车如下图: 默认安装为root用户,所以只需输入root用户密码即可,如下图: 再次确认密码如下图: 等待安装完成... 测试安装是否成功: 进入mysql如下图: mysql -uroot -p (-u代表用户,-p代表密码) 在Enter password:后面输入密码即可登录。
问题原因:大概率是 源的问题,我自己换了很多源之后,最终使用下述源可以成功 apt-get install mysql-server deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial main restricted #Added by software-properties deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu/ xenial main restricted deb-src http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ub...
configurations I added the bind address string and I managed to reach it through another client, trying to connect via command line on ubuntu using mysql -u USER -h MYSQL HOST -p and I tried to install nextcloud on a other client using the ip of the machine where mysql is configured as...
recently try to install mysql in my computer so that I can practise some sql statement on sever.But there are some problem while install mysql package in my ubuntu system.I hava tried lots of ways to move on. at last.I find there is a ...
安装MySQL 在Ubuntu中,可以使用以下命令来安装MySQL数据库: sudoaptupdatesudoaptinstallmysql-server 1. 2. 这将安装MySQL数据库的服务器端,以及一些相关的依赖项。在安装过程中,系统将提示您输入MySQL root用户的密码。 MySQL安装路径 Ubuntu apt install安装的MySQL数据库默认安装路径如下: ...
配置文件:/etc/mysql/my.cnf 启动文件位置:/etc/init.d/mysql linux中,配置文件基本上都在/etc/里面 安装的程序基本上都在/etc/init.d/里面
Step 1 — Installing MySQL On Ubuntu 18.04, only the latest version of MySQL is included in the APT package repository by default. At the time of writing, that’s MySQL 5.7 To install it, update the package index on your server withapt: ...
Step 1 — Installing MySQL On Ubuntu 20.04, you can install MySQL using the APT package repository. At the time of this writing, the version of MySQL available in the default Ubuntu repository is version 8.0.27. To install it, update the package index on your server if you’ve not done...
sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.1 Install MySQL Server 5.1 On Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=1781 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?p=157127 mysql配置记录 重启mysql服务 sudo service mysql restart ...