正常来说,因为docker for Windows内置了Kubernetes,如果我们要启用Kubernetes功能,只需要右键docker ,点击settings, 按理说,这里只要选中选项,直接apply就可以了,docker会自动从DockerHub中寻找匹配的镜像并下载,但是,特别注意一定不要先操作这一步。如果你真的这么做了,那么可能会出现这种情况,注意啦! 界面会一直卡在这...
再次安装docker $ sudo yum install docker-ce 二、Vs2017中Dotnetcore发布与镜像推送 Step1:安装docker,同时注册你的账号 https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop Step2:安装docker后再状态栏小图标处右键菜单点击Kitematic 提示下载 Step3:下载成功后将文件解压放到与Docker安装目录同级的地方,然后进行Step2就...
install mysql in docker for testing # step-1: configure mysql_port='3306'mysql_password='123qwe'mysql_data_dir="~/docker/mysqld_${mysql_port}/data"# step-2: delete-database-if-exist dockerrm-f mysqld_${mysql_port} docker run-it --rm-v ~:/root alpinesh-c"rm -r ${mysql_data_...
# 这里是整个项目所需要的文件,包括离线下载mysql 8.0的包[11:26:19 root@centos7 mysql]#tree . ├── Dockerfile ├── my.cnf ├── mysql-8.0.23-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.xz └── mys
docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -d mysql:8.0.23 docker mysql官方文档 不过我们一般讲mysql的数据文件挂载在容器外,这样重启容器不会数据。 对应脚本docker_run.sh plaintext 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 #!/bin/bash
Install MySQL Database Install PHP Setup Virtual Webhost Test PHP Processing Test Database Connection Step 1 — Installing Apache and Updating the Firewall The Apache web server is among the most popular web servers in the world. It’s well documented, has an active community of user...
$ sudo docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<put your password here> -d mysql Then get inside your docker container using this command: $ sudo docker exec -it mysql bash Once you are inside the container you can startup mysql using this command: ...
During the installation you can change the port number on which the MySQL database runs, but it's best to just stick to the default, Port 3306. That's where other applications expect it to run. MySQL Windows service Furthermore, you can choose to run MySQL as a Windows service, which ...
访问MySQL 镜像库地址:https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql?tab=tags。可以通过 Sort by 查看其他版本的 MySQL,默认是最新版本 mysql:latest。你也可以在下拉列表中找到其他你想要的版本: 此外,我们还可以用 docker search mysql 命令来查看可用版本:$ docker search mysql NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED ...
docker build -t sameersbn/mysql github.com/sameersbn/docker-mysql Quick Start Run the mysql image docker run --name mysql -d sameersbn/mysql:5.7.26-0 You can access the mysql server as the root user using the following command: docker run -it --rm --volumes-from=mysql sameersbn/mysql:5....