docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -d mongodb/mongodb-enterprise-server:latest The-p 27017:27017in this command maps the container port to the host port. This allows you to connect to MongoDB with alocalhost:27017connection string. ...
The first step is to install Docker. I won’t cover the installation of Docker here but if you want, you can refer to theofficial Docker documentation. Run the following command to start the MongoDB’s docker container using the latest version. sudo docker run -dp 27017:27017 -v local-m...
Enterprise Advanced自行运行并管理 MongoDB社区版使用 MongoDB 进行本地开发 工具 Compass在 GUI 中处理 MongoDB 数据集成连接第三方服务Relational Migrator自信地迁移到 MongoDB 查看所有产品探索我们的完整开发套件 使用MongoDB Atlas 构建 几分钟内即可免费开始使用 ...
The first step is to install Docker. I won’t cover the installation of Docker here but if you want, you can refer to theofficial Docker documentation. Run the following command to start the MongoDB’s docker container using the latest version. sudo docker run -dp 27017:27017 -v local-m... stylesheets CNAME e2e packages pyserver .dockerignore .env.example .eslintrc.js .gitignore Dockerfile Dockerfile.multi bun.lockb deploy-compose.yml...
Learn how to install MongoDB on Ubuntu: 1. Install MongoDB 2. Start MongoDB Service 3. Configure MongoDB 4. Create a New Database + more.
TIP: When the latest version available onPECLis not stable, and you want to keep the last stable version, force it by suffixing the extension's name with thestablestate. For example: install-php-extensions mongodb-stable Installing an extension from its source code ...
install-php-extensions mongodb-stable Installing an extension from its source code You can also install PHP extensions from source code (provided that it comes with a package.xml or a package2.xml file). Accepted formats are: A short version for repositories hosted on GitHub. For example, ...
yum安装mongodbshellyum安装gcc 本次安装针对CentOS 6.5 64位系统,由于在安装系统的时候并没有勾选安装gcc编译器,因此需要自行安装gcc编译器。使用yum安装gcc对于配备了yum的Linux发行版而言,安装gcc编译器就变得so easy。我们只需要分别执行如下命令即可:#安装gcc、c++编译器以及内核文件yum-yinstallgccgcc-c++ kernel...
下面我们介绍一下,如何在 MacOS 上安装配置 Mongodb。一、安装 Homebrew 在 macOS 终端中输入下面的命令,安装 Homebrew。如果已经安装,请跳过这一步。...安装 Mongodb 在 macOS 终端中输入下面的命令,安装 MongoDB 4.2.x。...brew tap mongodb/brew brew install mongodb-community 如果你想安装其他版本...