MongoDB for Windows 64-bitruns on any 64-bit version of Windows newer than Windows XP, including Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 64-bit. MongoDB for Windows 32-bitruns on any 32-bit version of Windows newer than Windows XP. 32-bit versions of MongoDB are only intended for older ...
db.createUser({ user: "useradmin", pwd: "adminpassword", roles: [{ role: "root", db: "admin" }] }) 4.退出Mongo Shell exit 1. 5.修改配置文件mongod.cfg,找到security字段,去掉前面的【#】,然后再security字段的下一行添加【authorization: enabled】,请注意,【authorization: enabled】前面有两个...
net stop MongoDB mongod -dbpath "D:\mongodb\data\db" —logpath "D:\mongodb\data\1og\mon.log" --remove --serviceName "MongoDB" 1. 验证安装 不出意外的话,完成上面的一系列操作后 MongoDB 就成功安装到您的电脑上了。想要验证安装是否成功,您可以打开“服务”,如果能在服务列表中找到 MongoDB ...
Download the installer. Download the MongoDB Community .msi installer from the following link: ➤ MongoDB Download Center In the Version dropdown, select the version of MongoDB to download. In the Platform dropdown, select Windows. In the Package dropdown, select msi. Click Download. 2 Run...
In Windows Explorer, locate the downloaded MongoDB msi file, which typically is located in the defaultDownloadsfolder. Double-click themsifile. A set of screens will appear to guide you through the installation process. Move the MongoDB folder to another location (optional). ...
1. Download MongoDB Download MongoDB from officialMongoDB website. Choose Windows 32 bits or 64 bits. Unzip, extracts to your prefer location, for example :d:\mongodb\. 2. Review MongoDB folder In MongoDB, it contains only 10+ executable files (exe) in the bin folder. This is true,...
2017-11-12T10:18:15.883+0800 I NETWORK [conn1] received clientmetadatafrom conn1: { application: { name: "MongoDB Shell" }, driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "3.4.10" }, os: { type: "Windows", name: "Microsoft Windows 8", architecture: "x86_...
Open a web browser and navigate to Choose the Windows 64-bit (8.1+) (MSI) download link. Go to the path where mongosh binary is installed and copy the path. Using the following steps, add the mongosh binary path to the Windows ...
Step 1: Download Mongosh Installer To begin with Windows MongoDB Shell Install process, go to the download page at Choose your OS and your desired MongoDB version. ClickDownload. Step 2: Run The MongoDB Installer(a .msi file) ...
Node.js also has the ability to embedded external functionality or extended functionality by making use of custom modules. These modules have to be installed separately. An example of a module is theMongoDBmodule which allows you to work with MongoDB databases from your Node.js application. ...