Use this tutorial to install MongoDB 8.0 Community Edition on Windows using the default installation wizard. MongoDB Version This tutorial installs MongoDB 8.0 Community Edition. To install a different version of MongoDB Community, use the version drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of this...
Install MongoDB Community Edition and required dependencies on Linux. Install on macOS Install MongoDB Community Edition on macOS systems from MongoDB archives. Install on Windows Install MongoDB Community Edition on Windows systems and optionally start MongoDB as a Windows service. ...
Install MongoDB Enterprise Edition on Windows Docker Install MongoDB Community with Docker Install MongoDB Enterprise with Docker Upgrade Community Edition to Enterprise Edition Tutorials Important Do not use these instructions to upgrade to another release version. To upgrade release versions, refer to ...
1.MongoDB的安装包下载(此为连接可搜索) ,为community Server版中的version为“windows server 2008 R2 64-bit and later ,with SSL X64 ”版本的“installation Package”,后缀名为.msi。以下配图: download下来的文件: 2.安装(install): 1)双击安装包进行安装,然后点击“next”,选择路径为D:\mongodb,依次进...
第三步:安装MongoDB。首先得安装数据库MongoDB,去官网(。(我安装版本是3.2.11)还没安装的朋友可以查看我另外一篇博文:http://blog.csdn.NET/miss_ll/article/details/53436608 查询mongodb版本号:命令进入mongodb安装bin目录后输入mongo命令即可 ...
brew services start mongodb-community@3.6 1. 执行以上命令后,MongoDB将会在后台以默认配置启动。 4. 使用MongoDB 安装并启动MongoDB后,可以使用MongoDB的命令行工具mongo来连接MongoDB服务,并进行数据库操作。 首先,打开一个新的终端窗口,输入以下命令来连接MongoDB服务: ...
步骤2:安装 MongoDB Compass 运行安装程序:找到下载的文件,双击运行安装程序。 # Windows 用户的示例# 只需双击下载的 installer 文件,例如: mongodb-compass-community-mac_x.x.x_xx.dmg 1. 2. 按提示完成安装:根据安装向导的提示完成安装。通常,只需点击“下一步”并接受使用条款。
Install MongoDB Community Edition 1、导入安装包管理系统使用的公钥 Ubuntu 软件包管理工具(dpkg 和 apt)为确保方案的一致性和真实性,要求经销商签署包装 GPG 密钥。请使用如下命令来导入 MongoDB public GPG Key sudoapt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv EA312927 ...
Go to the download page at Choose your OS and your desired MongoDB version. ClickDownload. Step 2: Run The MongoDB Installer(a .msi file) Go to your ‘Downloads’ folder. Click on the installer. ...
Install MongoDB Community Edition¶ MongoDB only provides archives for 64-bit builds of Linux. Follow the installation procedure appropriate for your system. 注解 To install a version of MongoDB prior to 3.2, please refer to that version’s documentation. For example, see version3.0. ...