Add-AppxPackage -register “C:\temp\Microsoft.WindowsStore_12104.1001.1.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe” –DisableDevelopmentMode Executed the above command in powershell. Then received the below error an invalid manifest file name was passed to this function. this file must be named appxmanifest.xml Fol...
拉取文件到本地,在文件目录空白处按住键盘Shift键并单击鼠标右键,点击在此处打开PowerShell 窗口(s)打开PowerShell; 然后执行以下命令: Add-AppPackage .\*.Appx Add-AppPackage .\*.AppxBundle 之后可以进程序列表看应用商店有没有,如果没有可以尝试重启电脑。
Step 3: Typepowershellinto the search box on the top of Microsoft Store, then pressEnter. You will see PowerShell is available in Microsoft Store as follows. Then, click the Install button to download and install PowerShell on Windows 10. You should wait until the process end. Command Prom...
PowerShellCopy wsl--install This command will enable the features necessary to run WSL and install the Ubuntu distribution of Linux. (This default distribution can be changed). If you're running an older build, or just prefer not to use the install command and would like step-by-step direct...
Note Microsoft only supports the latest/stable and lts/stable channels for the powershell package. Do not install packages from the other channels.To install a preview version, use the following method:sh Copy # Install PowerShell sudo snap install powershell-preview --classic # Start Power...
To install Microsoft to do, open PowerShell as admin and run this command: winget install 9NBLGGH5R558 note: if you don't have admin credentials, the command should run even of you run Powershell as a regular user.9NBLGGH5R558 is the ID for the To Do app: https://...
PowerShellKopiera wsl--install This command will enable the features necessary to run WSL and install the Ubuntu distribution of Linux. (This default distribution can be changed). If you're running an older build, or just prefer not to use the install command and would like step-by-step di...
CopythePowerShell scriptbelow to“C:\Downloads\Uninstall-VP9VideoExtApp“& name itUninstall-VP9VideoExtApp.ps1 <# .SYNOPSIS This script performs the uninstallation of the VP9 Video Extensions Microsoft Store App. # LICENSE # PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit - Provides a set of functions to per...
PowerShell Copy Install-WindowsFeature [-Name] <Feature[]> -Vhd <String> [-IncludeAllSubFeature] [-IncludeManagementTools] [-Source <String[]>] [-ComputerName <String>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-LogPath <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]...
Whether you're using Command Prompt or PowerShell, you'll need to open it as administrator to run those winget commands. Should you use winget to download and install Microsoft Store apps on your PCs? Downloading and installing apps from the Microsoft Store works great for most people. But ...