I also find "How to add Mendeley plugin into word". Hope the information could be helpful. Please note, since the web sites are not hosted by Microsoft, the links may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of them. If an Answer is helpful, please click "Accep...
2.27 在宝上买了个word2010并成功与mendeley链接后 今天我的win10它更新了,原装word也能链接起mendele...
i cant install mendeley cite: Request Id: a795315c-ccef-4d13-87f8-7eae4c101200 Correlation Id: fb0b9cc5-c462-4415-b8e1-2558c5edfe3b Timestamp: 2024-11-03T11:26:09Z Message: AADSTS50058: A silent sign-in request was sent but no user is signed in... Cannot download a Word plug...
◆ mendeley : Search over 100 million cross-publisher articles and counting. ◆ meow-sql : An attempt to port HeidiSQL to C++/Qt (Linux/Windows). ◆ mercury : Firefox fork with compiler optimizations and patches from Librewolf. ◆ meshlab : Processor and editor of large 3D triangular meshes...