11、打开Ubuntu 22.4 LTS,用命令安装git和设置密钥 12、用linux新建项目文件夹,然后git clone 13、打开VScode,打开Remote window, New WSL window,然后打开项目 image.png image.png image.png
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux with the command, wsl --install. Use a Bash terminal on your Windows machine run by your preferred Linux distribution - Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, Kali, Fedora, Pengwin, Alpine, and more are available.
Install Windows Subsystem for Linux with the command, wsl --install. Use a Bash terminal on your Windows machine run by your preferred Linux distribution - Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, Kali, Fedora, Pengwin, Alpine, and more are available.
(P2P比较玄学,具体看实际效果) 至于随后的安装哪个linux发行版就可看你自己啦。PS:微软商店里搜到的包都可以用winget命令安装,而winget是有国内源的。(但是WSL就搜不到,逆天微软)
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is aimed at giving users the ability to run Linux distributions directly on the Windows operating system
am11/VoidWSL main BranchesTags Code README MIT license VoidWSL Void Linux on WSL (Windows 10 FCU or later) based onwsldl. This project hosts both the GNU-libc and musl-libc Void Linux variants. Download Requirements Windows 10 1709 Fall Creators Update 64bit or later....
首先,这个问题是与Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)相关的,这是一个在Windows 10上运行Linux子系统的兼容层。 根据你提供的信息,wsl --install这个命令似乎无法执行。这可能是因为以下原因: 命令行选项无效: 你可能正在使用一个不支持--install选项的WSL版本。在某些版本中,可能需要通过其他方式安装WSL。 命令行用...
Go to your BIOS and enable SVM Mode on AMD CPUs or Intel Virtualisation Technology on Intel CPUs. next, make sure WSL is enabled by running this in powershell:dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart 0 Likes Reply kaush...
You can now install everything you need to run WSL on Windows Server 2022 by entering this command in anadministratorPowerShell or Windows Command Prompt and then restarting your machine. This command will enable the required optional components, download the latest Linux kernel, set WSL 2 as yo...
You can now install everything you need to run WSL on Windows Server 2022 by entering this command in anadministratorPowerShell or Windows Command Prompt and then restarting your machine. This command will enable the required optional components, download the latest Linux kernel, set WSL 2 as yo...