sudo apt install language-pack-zh-hans 文心快码BaiduComate 针对你的问题“sudo apt install language-pack-zh-hans”,这里是详细的解答步骤: 打开终端或命令行界面: 在Ubuntu或其他基于Debian的Linux发行版上,首先需要打开终端或命令行界面。这可以通过快捷键(如Ctrl+Alt+T)或在应用程序菜单中搜索“终端”来实现...
命令:sudo apt-get install language-pack-zh-hans 下载中文UTF-8的支持文件 命令:update-locale LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 设置中文环境,完成后重启系统即可 命令:exit 注销系统 命令:proot-distro login ubuntu 登录系统 Ubuntu换源 先检查一下你的Ubuntu是不是jammy的协议 命令:lsb_release -a 再备份一下你的Ubuntu...
遇到如上类似warning,请先切换到root,并安装 apt-get install language-pack-zh-hans 即可。 标签:apt-get 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 鸟瞰的鸟 粉丝-1关注 -0 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 «在Ubuntu上学习OpenStack之四:控制节点上安装Glance ...
# 查看语言环境echo$LANG# 安装中文语言包sudoapt-getinstalllanguage-pack-zh-hanssudoaptinstall$(check-language-support)# 替换 /etc/default/locale 为如下内容# LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8"# LANGUAGE="zh_CN:zh"# LC_NUMERIC="zh_CN"# LC_TIME="zh_CN"# LC_MONETARY="zh_CN"# LC_PAPER="zh_CN"# ...
apt-getinstalllanguage-pack-zh-hans-base 下载字体或从电脑上传至/usr/share/zabbix/assets/fonts/,修改文件后缀为.ttf,修改字体权限为777 修改文件/usr/share/zabbix/include/修改默认字体为上传的字体, 刷新页面即可。 如果页面显示中文,而图形下的图例不显示,说明字体的权限没有修改为777 ...
Usually, when you install LibreOffice, it installs the language pack of your system locale. For example, if your Windows/Linux/macOS is in English (USA), then the “en-us” language packs will be installed by default. However, if you want additional language packs, you need to install th...
apt install -y language-pack-zh* echo -e "${YELLOW}language-pack-zh-hans intall done${NOCOLOR}" fi installed=`dpkg -s x11vnc | grep 'Status: .* ok installed' | wc -l` if [[ $installed == 0 ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}x11vnc intalling${NOCOLOR}" apt install -...
apt-get install git -y apt-get install language-pack-zh-hans -y apt-get install build-essential screen curl -y fi if [[ ${OS} == CentOS ]];then yum install python screen curl -y yum install python-setuptools -y && easy_install pip -y yum install git -y ...
Installare il language packSe il language pack desiderato non è stato installato durante l'installazione, aggiornare Visual Studio come indicato di seguito per installare il language pack:Importante Per installare, aggiornare o modificare Visual Studio, è necessario accedere con un account che ...
Can't install Visual Studio using online installer Can't update Visual Studio using the Help menu Error - Please restart the computer and run setup again Error message for installing an additional language pack Error - There is not enough space on ...