Kubernetes is a container orchestration system built on top of Docker. It is essentially just a tool for communicating with Docker containers and managing everything at an enterprise level. Simply go to install Docker andclickto Get Docker Desktop for Windows (stable). Windows users can use Docke...
一鍵安裝部署高可用的多kubernetes集羣(二進位離線方式),支持定時安裝、添加與銷毀node、銷毀與修復master、一鍵卸載集羣等。One click offline installation of highly available multiple kubernetes cluster, supports schedule installation, addition of nodes, rebuild of kubernetes master, and uninstallation of clusters...
./kk create cluster --with-kubernetes v1.24.1 --container-manager containerd ./kk create cluster --with-kubesphere v3.2.1 Advanced You have more control to customize parameters or create a multi-node cluster using the advanced installation. Specifically, create a cluster by specifying a configura...
Now that nodes can run Windows or Linux, we can no longer assume Tiller will be scheduled to a Linux node. On such clusters, helm init often fails when the Tiller pod is scheduled to a Windows node. Perhaps we could hardcode a node selector with beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux as an eas...
After successful installation we can check ifnode1is really the master node: # kubectl get nodesNAMESTATUSROLESAGEVERSIONnode1Readycontrol-plane,master4m30sv1.20.6# kubectl describe nodes node1 | grep -i taintTaints:node-role.kubernetes.io/master:NoSchedule ...
Learn how to use the Helm packaging tool to deploy containers in an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster
Install MicroK8s onWindows Operate your Kubernetes cluster Access the Kubernetes Dashboard You will only need … A Windows 10 machine with at least 8 GB of RAM and 40 GB storage If you have Windows 10 Home edition, you will also need to installVirtualBox(Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise ...
结果报错:Syntax Error: Error: Node Sass version 6.0.1 is incompatible with ^4.0.0. 详情如下: D:\2022_2_11_clear\sadjkl>npm run serve> unclear@0.1.0serve> vue-cli-service serveINFOStarting development server...98%after emitting CopyPluginFailed to compile with1 error下午10:56:39errorin....
It supports Docker containerization and Kubernetes Prometheus has a large and active developer and user community What is Grafana? Grafana is a visualization application available in both open-source and enterprise editions. Grafana does not collect any metrics from the clients and it does not store...