kubeadm_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/kubernetes/{{ kube_version }}/kubeadm" kubectl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/kubernetes/{{ kube_version }}/kubectl" kubelet_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/kubernetes/{{ kube_version }}/kubelet" # etcd is optional if you **DON'T** use...
Docker & Kubernetes : Spinnaker on EKS with Halyard Docker & Kubernetes : Continuous Delivery Pipelines with Spinnaker and Kubernetes Engine Docker & Kubernetes : Multi-node Local Kubernetes cluster : Kubeadm-dind (docker-in-docker) Docker & Kubernetes : Multi-node Local Kubernetes cluster : Kubeadm...
we do so by installing the same packages on another machine (kubelet, kubeadm, docker, etc.), and running the kubeadm join command with the token that we saved from an earlier step when initializing the master node. In the case of this example, the command was: ...
Create an EC2 instance with Ubuntu 18 ami-085925f297f89fce1 (64-bit x86) - initially, t3.micro (2 vCPU, 1GB Memory) but we may need to upgrade depending on app requirements). SSH into the instance: $ssh -i my.pem ubuntu@ to Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15....
Kubernetes III - kubeadm on AWS AWS : EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) CI/CD Github actions CI/CD Gitlab DevOps / Sys Admin Q & A (1A) - Linux Commands (1B) - Linux Commands (2) - Networks (2B) - Networks
Kubernetes III - kubeadm on AWS AWS : EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) CI/CD Github actions CI/CD Gitlab DevOps / Sys Admin Q & A (1A) - Linux Commands (1B) - Linux Commands (2) - Networks (2B) - Networks (3) - Linux Systems (4) - Scripting (Ruby...
In previous chapter (Puppet with Amazon EC2 : Install LAMP with manifest ('puppet apply')), we did not set up agent/master nodes. The manifest was not available to other agent nodes, and Puppet is not continuously checking that our server is in the state that the manifest described. ...
k@laptop:~$ ssh -i ~/Downloads/DockerOnEC2.pem ubuntu@ec2-54-86-170-149.compute-1.amazonaws.com Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-36-generic x86_64) * Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/ System information as of Thu Nov 20 23:59:36 UTC 2014 ...
$ bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server_2.properties Note that we already have one broker that's running (broker.id=0, port=9092, log.dir=/tmp/kafka-logs). Creating a Kafka topic We can create topics on the Kafka server. Here, we'll create a topic named "replica-kafkatopic" with...
Change the value from 1 to 2: 2 The number should be set greater than the number of masters divided by 2. For example, the optimal quorum size for a five node master cluster would be 3. In our case, there are three masters and the quorum size should be set to 2 on each node. ...